The Positive Diary

Power of "Words"


The power of – “Words”

Can you imagine your life without “Words”?? 

One day I question myself , how important is my presence in others’ lives ? & what’s its based?

As always , I was able to get so many different answers from mind & heart. 

After nodding my head for a couple of months , I was able to reach one satisfactory answer. Which of course is limited for me & Not for others because every individual does have their own choices – preference & likings.


I found my presence is important in others’ lives depending upon my “Words”.

What I say – How I say – When I Say 

Yes , words create a significant impact on our life , the way I treat them , I use them & I feel for them.

I am a normal human being & NOT born with any supernatural or Saint power to keep myself calm all the time , so by natural I encounter with feelings like happiness – anger – sadness, depending upon situations these emotions gives birth to different “Words”

[ Sometime positive / sometime negative] 

But when I deep dive into all these different situations & emotions … I realize 

Emotions & Situations are NOT in my control but I have control on my own “Words”

If my Words are positive I attract positive vibes & If I use negative then it creates negative vibes all the time.  


Depend upon my Words , I also attract negative & positive people in my life

Positive words creates magic – miracles – healed , if they used precisely

Negative words can create anxiety – depression etc

Words help to express our feelings , emotions , action & reaction etc

Words are the weapon for any writer… which creates a history or destroy the enemies without any physical war


There are millions of motivational speakers who always & ONLY encourages to use the positive Words & create miracle in their as well as in others life

Ref – Louis Hey – You Can Heal Your Life

Top 15 Motivational Speakers Ranked by Popularity in 2022 (

Sometime the scar may get healed done by sword but few scars never get healed done by Words 

I realize no matter what situation I could be in , I should NOT use any negative words which might create a negative impact for others as well as for myself.


Because its saying – “Words are  always  sharper than a Sword. 


So NOW – Choice is ours & we have a freedom to choose words & make a difference in people’s life.

I am trying my best…………..HOW about You ???

#Life#Create# your# own# world# with# your# own# words#

Best Regards-Tusshar K


Written By

Tushar Karande

Tushar Karande

IT professional , 17+Years in experience , typical AMCHI MUMBAI guy from Thane. Loves travelling , spirituality talks , writing & dance. I live life @ Three basic principle 1. Nobody is perfect but Everyone is unique [ So respect all & their feelings] 2.Sharing is Caring [ Always share what you have , because its blessing to be helping hand for someone else] 3.Miracles Do happen - Do your best & have faith on divinity , you will get what you mean for sure.

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