The Positive Diary

4 brands on hand. Now what?


By acquiring Air India, Tata has invited plenty of challenges. The Think Tank out there, would surely have considered ways to untangle all aspects of business to make the airline fly high, for long.

Since I am no match to the battery of consultants on the project, I will restrict myself to touch on a very basic issue that has the potency to make a lasting impact. Branding.

In the airline business, Tata will have 4 brands under its wings.

Air India
Air India Express
Air Asia

Which ones should it go with? Retain all 4? Or stay put with just 1 or 2 or 3? Pick any and it will have its merits and weak links. My take:

They should have 2 brands:
1. Air India. Full service airline. Vistara would need to repaint its tail.
2. New Brand. Low Cost airline. Air India Express and Air Asia to be done with.

Air India and Brand X should be at the two extremes of the spectrum. Two independent profit centres.

Your take?


Written By

Prakash Bang

Prakash Bang

A true entrepreneur, Prakash started his career with a capital of Rs 2000. At age 14 he pawned his mom’s jewelry to get started as a door-to-door salesman. He sold products of sorts including Chappals from Kolhapur, Chaddars from Solapur and Sarees from Surat. Barking dogs and slamming doors were his marketing university. Streets remain his alma mater. He is a Science graduate with Honours, holds a Masters in Business Administration and is a member of the Indian Management Association. Prakash is a visiting faculty at many management institutes, various Universities and sits on the Board of many companies in India and abroad. His marketing workshops have enlightened over 10,000 entrepreneurs & businesspeople. Always an entrepreneur, he and his ideas have been featured many times in major Indian media. He is the author of the book, “YOUR ENTERPRISE ISN’T DEAD. YET.” The book is a paradigm shift from popular management practices. The book has been acclaimed by stalwarts from the industry. He has also authored, “My 2 Cents Worth.” – A select collection of his posts that created some flutter on Social Media. An avid traveler, he is passionate about photography and takes pride in documenting his travels. So far, he has published 44 books on travel and has created a National Record by writing the longest travel blog. He is featured in Limca Book of Records and remains unbeaten since 2014. Marketing made him travel. Travel taught him marketing. Prakash lives in Pune half of the time. The other half even he doesn’t know.

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