The Positive Diary

You are NOT "Alone" Always


There is saying – We don’t have  a choice to choose our family BUT divine has given a chance to choose our friends

If we go beyond this fact , why we need them; Why I need a family ? Friends ? Relations etc

Can’t I survive without them ?

Or divine has some PLAN???

After I spend many years with this thought I realize…………………..

People come in our life in 3 ways …..

  1. For a Reason – These are the people who come in your life to teach you something , give some lesson [Either Good / Bad] , & once we have that lesson they get exit . This type of people come on temporary basis. Even though they are temp their teachings always remains with us.

Any guesses , Who are they?  our Best Friends / Good Relations / Teachers / Mentors !

  1. For a Season – These are the people who come in your life in regular intervals , They come – They Help – They Leave .Again they come temp basis.

Like some  Strangers / Friends / Office colleague  etc

     3. For Forever – No matter what situation or phase you are into life , [Good/Bad] some people shall always be with you. This people remain permanent basis.

We know them very well , of course , our Parents / Family / soulmates

So I guess somewhere I figure it out correctly. DIVINE has planted many people to teach me, some to help me & few to be with me forever ………… so I shall survive my life & to reach where I have to be.


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