The Positive Diary

Whizzing through LIFE


I have travelled extensively and have always been in a hurry to get to my destination. So I had to travel fast. Travel became completely functional, the journeys were usually sterile, almost devoid of life.

This has become the story about the journey of our lives, simply whizzing through life.

We start, travel and arrive, but we hardly live.

There is little time to play with and teach our children. There remains no time to love just moments of lust. There is no time to laugh and grieve with friends and relatives, just the load of social commitments. There is little time to enjoy the wealth we earn, using it to mostly acquire things and buy relationships, working even harder to pay for whizzing through life.

No time for contemplation nor meditating just time for praying to ask for protection from fears and to beg for things.

Whizzing through life, I ask what was the hurry to grow up?

Why does everything have to be done, ASAP?

It need not be this way. We can choose to live or simply exist. This is our choice.

Some things do help us enhance living as we zip through life. Sport and play, music and the arts, comedy and theatre, yoga and meditation, friends and enemies are some of them.

Sometimes our loved ones, usually children and friends, or even destiny hands us an opportunity to slow down, providing the opportunity to admire, caress and even drown ourselves in the scenery around us.

An illness, a business setback or a temporary job loss can sometimes help us reconnect with ourselves. Some things matter more than power, fame and wealth.

What I say seems so obvious and it should be apparent. Unfortunately, we are so focused on the distance and anxious to bridge the distance, that we often miss what should be obvious and right under our noses.

We owe it to ourselves to succeed, but it need not be at the expense of our happiness.

Note: ASAP is an acronym for ‘As Soon As Possible’

#art #comedy #happy #life #living #music #speed #sport #success #whizzing #yoga


Written By

Gurvinder Singh

Gurvinder Singh

Experience is not what happens to us, but what we learn and do with what has happens to us. Experiences are gifts of existence. If we reflect and contemplate on our experiences and learning there is a good possibility for us to awaken and progress materially, intellectually and spiritually.

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