The Positive Diary

What's your "Version" ???


The story happened just two days before.

I was rushing for my important meeting, & i had to grab a car, so i opened an application to book a cab, & message popup , – Sorry the current version is no more supported & please upgrade to its latest version… [9.1.4.A]

I am sure you all must have come across this situation in day-to-day life, as we are being & staying in the technosavvy world.

We are NOT limited to just keep ourselves up to date with the latest technology, but we also upgrade our lifestyle as time passed. We change our clothes, houses, furniture, electronic items, cars etc  & try to maintain a comfort life balance all the time.

While doing & performing all this upgradation we work hard, deal with many sacrifices but did we ever realize what we achieve at the end of life?

Are we get fully satisfied?

Will our all wishes come true & full fill ever?

Does our expectation have STOP anywhere?

The answer must be “NO”

& If I ask why? Then I summarize one common answer i.e. “What upgradation we do for ourselves?” [@Mind – Soul – Body level]

Are we supposed to remain the same person , the kind of nature – personality – attitude we carry from childhood until our senior aged.?

If so then what is the purpose of our life ?

Have we ever spared a moment in a day to analyses our own version , asking the question to self , whether I was the same person I was y”day then Today or maybe the earlier year then present year?

If there is no change, no upgradation then I feel we have wasted our time – energy to achieve materialistic things , which is NO where going to take us at the end of our life. Doesn’t it?

There are many different ways & practices to upgrade your soul – personality like Yoga – Meditation – Kriya but if you find these are the difficult steps then, I think below are very simple ways to follow & be a better version of yourself & see the difference in your own life

  1. Just show up. Say you want to run a marathon, but have no prior experience. The first step is lacing up you shoes and hitting the pavement. Even if you only make it half a mile on your first training run, you’ll be about 2% closer to your ultimate goal than if you didn’t put in any work at all.
  2. Start from the beginning. You don’t just happen to stumble upon the best version of yourself. You need to start from the beginning and take a high number of small steps in order to become what you envision.
  3. Recognize that the best version of yourself should be your vision, not anybody else’s. Don’t waste energy trying to live up to what somebody else wants you to be.
  4. Stop looking for a secret trick. There is no miraculous shortcut to the better version of yourself.
  5. Use Twitter/LinkedIN to network. It’s never been easier to get in touch with influential and powerful people.
  6. Don’t sweat the details. Just make sure that you’re moving in the right general direction. You probably don’t have the knowledge you need today to know the shortest path to your happiness five years from today. But you probably have some idea about how to move in the right direction. Take those steps.
  7. Recognize the opportunity at hand. The Internet has fundamentally changed everything. Previously, knowledge was locked away in the minds of industry experts and in the pages of books that you needed to buy or check out from a library. But now, it’s easier than ever to learn new skills. This is essential to becoming the best version of yourself.
  8. Write on Medium. Translating your thoughts into written narratives pushes you to think about the ideas in your head at a much deeper level.
  9. Don’t count the hours. They don’t matter. Think about the last time you ran on a treadmill. If you looked down at the timer every few seconds, you probably didn’t enjoy your run. In turn, this made it far more difficult to run far.But what if you took the opposite approach? You plugged in your headphones, lost yourself in the music, and took it one stride at a time….while resisting any temptation to look at the timer at all. If you did this, you probably discovered that you enjoyed the run and made it pretty far. Counting hours just slows you down from reaching your goal.
  10. Accept help from other people. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Most successful people needed help along the way, too.
  11. Launch a personal website. Maintaining an online presence of yourself pushes you to become the best possible.
  12. Ignore the social media scoreboard. People depict an extremely exaggerated version of life on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social platforms.. So when you compare yourself to what you see on social media, you’re just hurting yourself.
  13. Celebrate the small wins. Appreciating what you’re doing in the present gives you the motivation to keep making strides towards your ultimate goal.
  14. Stop pretending to know things you don’t know. You’ll never learn anything if you pretend to already know everything.
  15. Embrace failure. You can’t become the best version of yourself by playing it safe. Heck, getting fired could even be the best thing that ever happened to you.
  16. Call your family. This is just the decent thing to do. But you can also learn lessons from your family that aren’t available through any Google search and aren’t accessible to pretty much anyone else in the world.
  17. Exercise in the morning. Once I started doing this in the morning, I became far more focused and relaxed throughout the day. Science backs that up, too.
  18. Last but Not least , Be grateful [Thankful] for what You have TODAY.

Because the kind of Version you are living your life TODAY , must be the dream for someone else to reach at , who might less fortunate then you.

Best Regards

Tusshar K



Written By

Tushar Karande

Tushar Karande

IT professional , 17+Years in experience , typical AMCHI MUMBAI guy from Thane. Loves travelling , spirituality talks , writing & dance. I live life @ Three basic principle 1. Nobody is perfect but Everyone is unique [ So respect all & their feelings] 2.Sharing is Caring [ Always share what you have , because its blessing to be helping hand for someone else] 3.Miracles Do happen - Do your best & have faith on divinity , you will get what you mean for sure.

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