The Positive Diary

"What do i wear ?"


After staring at my FULL closet for a while, I sighed,”Oh no , I don’t have anything to wear !”


Every woman can relate with my situation and sympathise .


“What to wear ?” is quite a difficult question to answer. 


Dressing up can get so overwhelming at times! Do you know we wear only approximately 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. Summarising these scenarios I guess we all love to gather but don’t always like to use all that . Yes you may not agree to my statement. But if the answer to any one of these questions is YES , you’ll have to.


Do you have clothes with tags still ON? 

Do you have candles in the house that you still have NOT lit? 

Have you kept that beautiful crockery set or dinnerware inside waiting for THAT special occasion? 

Have you bought books and not read them yet? 

Does your luxurious car spend MORE time in the garage? 

Do you have a few clothes you have not worn in the last one year?

Do you have a diary that you have not started writing in ? 

Have you hidden the best champagne for that one occasion?


All of these things have one common property, we treat all of these as SPECIAL or IMPORTANT or TOO GOOD. And we associate these with some milestones as well.

“I will use this when …..”

“Will light this candle when…. “

“Let’s use the car to go ….. “

“This dress is too good to wear for this meeting.”

“I shall open this champagne when…”


But wait !

Are some of these excuses ?

Of Course keeping the champagne bottle for parents’ golden jubilee anniversary makes sense if it’s close but hope you haven’t missed on their silver. And in case you decide to open it on their 30th , you could still buy one later , right?


Anyways, So I decided to break this pattern. So one fine day I decided to dress up and wear the best party outfit for a normal tea meet. And I convinced my friends as well to come dressed. So I pulled out a nice embellished long gown from my closet. Wore makeup , lined my eyes and coloured my lips. Did my hair neat. And decided to drive down in my NICE car. Picked up my friends from their homes and ta-da we did it!


We giggled in the car and laughed our hearts out thinking about how’d people react. 


It was a little awkward to get out of my car all dressed up. We thought everyones gonna stare. Would probably make a good laughter stock! And guess what, it did happen! 

Yes a few stared at us, few were surprised, few gossiped, and a few were untouched just neutral. But us ? 


Well for me , I went through moments of anxiety, fear, joy, confidence and loads of fun. 

Yes, anxious while getting ready. Wondered what would happen. Fearing I would be labelled, laughed at. At one point i even thought, What if someone clicked my pic and made me a viral joke. Had moments of joy looking at my confident image in the mirror. In Fact all anxiety and fear vanished when I took a mirror selfie and said “WOW! I am beautiful.”


And then the amazing experience of having “chai” at a “tapri” all dressed up. Woahhhhh ! 


Loved it! 

Enjoyed it, lived it and I still cherish that experience. 


The closet stare led me to this AHA experience!


How about using what we have gathered ? 

Materialistic items as well as knowledge! Sometimes it’s worth an application!


Wishing us all amazing AHA moments, 

I invite you to affirm with me


“I am smart and courageous.”

“I have all the time, energy and resources to do everything i want to.”

“My life is a miracle.”


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

4 Responses

  1. This is what I always loved about the blogs .. living in the moment is what should be emphasised…living life like a Meenal is what everyone wants … beautifully written as always

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