The Positive Diary

What are You Giving Today ?


The Art of Giving

If there is any skill that I would like to excel in or even teach my son, is the art of giving.

Yes …. The Art of Giving!


Recently I met a pretty girl at the salon. She looked very anxious. As I got my haircut done, I kept observing her in the mirror. She was constantly glancing at her phone. Later I excused myself and asked her if everything was okay. She replied that she was awaiting her result that was expected any moment . She added that her future would depend very much on that report card. I just comforted her and asked her to keep smiling, keep faith in herself, all shall be well. Next moment she smiled at me as I left the place. 

A Few weeks later when I revisited the salon, the same pretty face greeted me with a smile. This time, she looked so vibrant and happy. She came, hugged me and said, “That day your words were something I really needed to hear, Aunty. Thank You so much!


Have you come across similar incidents where people text or call or email to retell your words spoken to them at times which have escaped from your memories?

(Well yeah I do forget … sometimes a lot !)

 It feels so wonderful to know that your words help people in certain times or situations in their life and then they reach out to tell you so. Or they remember and acknowledge them!  Isnt it?

Nicer is the feeling that your words touched their heart, comforted them, acted as feel good factor, gave them courage or helped getting a smile on their face in whatever situation they were in that moment of time.



Such an important question to ask MYSELF each day.

Can I offer anything other than materialistic things, food or clothes?


Hmm.. actually Yes! I can and so can you! 

Some of them are Hope, encouragement, love, advice, time,  appreciation, ideas 

There have been times when I have had no one to listen to me, to caress me and no one to celebrate with. It is not because no one was available or free, but because I chose not to talk to anyone at that time. I did not allow myself help. I didn’t celebrate!

I want to let you know that it is absolutely okay to be with oneself but do give permission to yourself to receive love and accept it. There are good souls who will show up for YOU, because you matter to them and they love you. There is so much the universe or divine is sending in for us. We just need to be open, receptive and aligned

And ofcourse, Be all-giving, with your heart and soul, whatever and how much ever you are capable of giving!

We are all ready to donate food, clothing and other materialistic stuff which is needed. I am not denying you to do that. But how often do we think about giving or offering  encouragement, love, our time by just being there to listen without judging, saying kind words, giving a hug or a smile? Maybe some people really just need this and not the things you give! 

In hospitals, in waiting queues, at the airport, in banks and so many other places these small acts of giving or to say acts of kindness can be miraculous. And it isn’t even necessary to know the receiver! 

Some acts should just flow without judgments or no intellect interference (hehe), and yeah no expectations, flowing just from your heart, your gut or maybe intuition. 

The more you give, the more joyous you feel within. 

Give, without expectations or an agenda of getting something in return! That is true giving!

Learn The Art of Giving truly!

So what are you giving today?








Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

12 Responses

  1. This is so beautifully written and I must appreciate the content and the way it’s witten……we all need to really go within and understand the beauty of giving without thinking wht we wud get in return( which is the normal way of thinking)
    Beautiful 🥰

  2. I would love 💕 to extend a help to a needy n feel the overwhelming joy within ☺️The pleasure and satisfaction of giving is blissful ☺️

  3. Keeping faith in yourself , & think positive is the only solution for all your worrry 😊 keep smiling in all situation

    1. yes naresh jiju . Love the way you are always spreading happiness , always smiling and inspiring. Thank you so much .

  4. I would love to spread happiness and want to bring smile on those faces who are depress ,overthinking ,taking tension etc .I am keep doing and will love to do more wth their blessings .
    May God bless everyone and keep motivating others .

    1. thank you geeta jiji. I have learnt so much from you ….. right from keep smiling always to serving elders from the heart . Love you jiji.

  5. Hi, I give everyday, some sort of advice, financial help, I advice, motivate, smile to everyone, ask people who look depress or in trouble etc. Always find such situations.

    One should always be positive and looking life at ease. Why rush for anything.

    Meenal you are doing great job, commendable and for humanity. God Bless You

    1. Thank you so much .
      Your always helping nature is really inspiring dear . And i really appreaciate the same helping and smiling attitude you have imbibed in your children too. Blessings n gratitude .

  6. Meenal your write up is really beautiful and optimistic… 👏☺keep up the good work…really proud of you…!

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