The Positive Diary

Those 100 gms ….


On 6th August 2024, India’s Vinesh Phogat defeated Yusneylys Guzman of Cuba (5-0) in Women’s Freestyle Wrestling (50kgs) at Paris Olympics 2024. She created history by entering finals of this competition.  The entire country slept dreaming of a Gold Medal from her!

India’s dreams were shattered next day early morning when Vinesh was disqualified as she was 100gms overweight. On the day of the final, she weighed 50.100 kgs. As per Olympic rules, it was non-acceptable and hence was not allowed to compete in the finals. She also lost the possibility of winning any medal at all.

I am sure each one of you have stood over a weighing scale. Has 100 gms ever troubled you? We tend to look at a few kgs, isn’t it! But for Vinesh, those 100 gms were the difference between winning Gold for India vis-à-vis no medal at all.

It might not seem a lot of weight, yet it was detrimental. Similarly in our lives, what we are and what we can become is not about big things. It is about those small things!

For whatever we are doing in life today, there is always an inspiration we have – in relationships, in professional life, as a parent, etc. It is definitely not that they are born with extra skills and abilities. All of us are born equals. But the difference between where they have reached and where we are, is in that ‘little extra’. They have gone that extra mile, whereas we might be hesitating to do the same!


  • In our gym, those who have toned body push their bodies just a little more, whereas we think our body can’t take more
  • Those who have a flat tummy, essentially know which all foods to avoid. Their control over the tongue is impeccable
  • In parenting, it is that extra patience, which will either build your child’s confidence or will turn them into scared individuals who will fear to voice their opinions
  • While striking a deal, when all seems lost, it might be that one last sentence which might turn the deal in your favour
  • When you think that this particular relationship has no future, that one last effort believing that you will make it work, is what will define the outcome
  • You have tried enough places to get a job, but no offer is coming. Before giving up/ taking any job, even though it doesn’t suit your profile, can you explore more options, which you haven’t yet tried
  • Taking up a hobby inspite of your busy schedule doesn’t look possible at all. A small alteration and some discipline in your routine, and you will just be able to slip it in
  • Inspite of doing everything, you are not able to loose weight. It is just about figuring out that one thing, which you are not doing it right yet
  • The difference between the industry leader and just another businessman, is that one risk that he/ she was willing to take
  • You have tried all marketing strategies, yet it is not working out. All you need is that one creative idea and things can soar

As you can see from the above examples, it is never the big things that make a difference. It is those small things that make you or break you. These seemingly miniscule changes are the ones that ultimately make you stand out.

Whatever you are doing in your life, and wherever you are, better is possible. That better will happen with small-small steps! It is about never giving up and continuously taking those little steps. And out of blue, you will see – that last step you took is what had made you!

#India #Olympics #Paris #Vinesh #Wrestling


Written By



I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

2 Responses

  1. Beautifully penned as usual Amit…
    It is that one tiny effort can move mountains.
    Olympics this year just reminded me of a quote I had read in our school days.
    To know the importance of 0.1 sec ask the athlete who bagged a silver in the finals.

    1. Thanks for the appreciation!
      Some things might look too small to grab our attention, but yet they might prove to be very crucial!

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