The Positive Diary

The storm that got scared


This is a sweet little story that my younger child told me one day. I’ll first write the story, then I will put in my 2 cents on it.

There was once a beautiful village by the seaside. The people there were kind and hardworking. They helped one another. There were many children in the village, some naughty, some good.

Once, there was news that a big storm coming towards their village. This storm had destroyed all the other villages that lay in its path.

The elders of the village got together and decided to make a plan to divert this nasty storm, and save their village from being destroyed.

The wisest woman spoke and all the others agreed. Nothing was said to anyone in the village, but everyone was assured that the storm would not come their way.

Next day, at dawn, all the villagers lined up along the seashore and said prayers. Then the wisest woman came there along with the other elders and whispered a special prayer to the God and sent a stern warning to the storm.

everyone at the seashore, watched in utter disbelieve as they watched the storm change its path. It turned right and changed its path completely.  The village was saved!! Everyone rejoiced!!

After some time, they all gathered around the village elders and begged that they should share the secret prayer that was said.

The elders spoke of the prayer. But the best part was the warning that was given to the monstrous storm. The wisest woman said “I just informed the storm that should he even lay his eyes on our village, we would beat his son black & blue! I said only this, and this was enough to scare away the storm.”

The storm has a son?” everyone asked in shock and added “and…he lives in our village?”

This time the wise old woman laughed and said, “Don’t you all know the naughty boy, Wind? – The fisherman’s son. I just used his name in tricking the storm! The storm may be strong, but it sure was not smart!!”

Everyone laughed and simultaneously lay eyes on Wind – the naughty 8 year old son of the fisherman, who loved to run around in the village from dawn to dusk. In fact, his parents named him -Wind only after seeing his daily running around which he loved tremendously.

-The End-

My 2 cents on this story:

First of all, I was amazed at the impromptu story telling. I was blown away at the simplicity of thought, at the same time the intelligence and wit was very striking.

This story taught me something too. It taught me that it is imperative to keep your sense of humor intact in all circumstances. It keeps us in a good mood and we can then work our way through any and every tough situation. As I grow older, I would definitely love to become witty and smart like the wise lady in the story.



Written By



A seeker, optimist & a loyal friend.

6 Responses

  1. Thats an amazing story and a smart one too .The confidence with which she threatened was mind blowing …and your take on it is so important in the situations and circumstances that life throws at us now and then ….Kudos to your son and you, Neelum !!!

    1. Thank You Jasmine!! Yes, such a profound lesson hidden in the beautiful story! Children do say the wisest of things.

  2. Wow! Such a simple and wise story, from my talented grandson.

    Truly, positive thinking is not only about expecting the best to happen, but it is also about accepting, whatever happens is for the best.

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