The Positive Diary



The moment I come out of our society, within 100 meters, there is a signal. Once I cross that, within 200 meters, there is another one. Invariably, the signal turns Red when I reach!

The other day, I found the first signal GREEN! The next one GREEN too! I told my driver, “Looks like a good day today!” And we both laughed about it!

As I completed the morning routines at office, the mind started to relax from the urgent tasks at hand. The curious mind went back to the statement made to my driver – ‘looks like a good day!’ I realized that the moment I told my mind about it being a positive day, things seemed to be working very smoothly.

Everyone fresh prospect I spoke to, loved what we were doing at Concrete Works. My applicators seemed to be in-sync with what we had to deliver. I was getting lovely feeds on my social media. Conversations with my friends seemed to be on a totally light note. Kids conversations seemed special that day. My favourite food was cooked. Arpita and me had beautiful discussions.

While introspecting the day, the question was – what was different than any other day? How come today everything seemed to go right? Was it just because of the GREEN SIGNAL?

I realized – the only different thing that happened was that I told myself, “It looks like a good day!” And everything changed about that day.

Have you had such days? Where everything just falls in place and works just the way you want it to work?

Here is what I have started to do now – every morning I try to find something positive within a couple of hours of waking up. It can be the simplest and the stupidest things. All that I am searching for is – a positive start to the day for making every day an amazing one!

Are you UP for finding The GREEN SIGNAL every morning?

#positive #motivation #signal #traffic #learning


Written By



I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

2 Responses

  1. Your blog reminded me of a lesson in 10th grade English textbook. It talked about a driver who used to just smile to whoever he met on the way. His thoughts were like, may be a smile can bring a positive thought in the other person’s mind and being contagious it would get cascaded to all those who come across the day 😀

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