The Positive Diary

The GOOD you – The BAD you!


The GOOD you – The BAD you!

The GOOD you – The BAD you!

Life is a beautiful journey. On the way we meet many travellers. These people teach us various things. If we are open to learn irrespective of the calendar age, the learning is more and makes one humble. In one such small, but cute incident my five year old daughter Aavya taught me this wonderful lesson – The GOOD you – The BAD you!

The kids birthday just went by on 19th July 2021. They turned five! With birthday come a lot of gifts too. Our twins – Anay and Aavya got gifts and so did their little sister Iyana, who is 2.6 years now.

Yesterday night the three were sharing a toy. All of a sudden each one of them wanted that specific colour! And the result was – a fight. Crying, snatching and yelling followed. We sorted that out and within half an hour the same scene was created. Somehow that too was handled.

Then I took Aavya to sleep with me. She was normal by now. We were cracking a few jokes and she was laughing merrily. While we were brushing her teeth, I asked her – “Aavya who was that girl who was throwing tantrums downstairs?” Brush in her teeth, she seemed thoughtful. Now she looked a little confused as to what I was asking her.

I continued, “My girl Aavya is this girl who is smiling, giggling, and having fun. Who was that girl who was getting angry and not sharing. I didn’t like that girl. What about you?”

 Aavya said, “Papa even I didn’t like that girl. Who does like that? It is not right.”

Connecting the dots, we concluded that Aavya would not be the girl that was downstairs, as both of us didn’t like that girl. She will be the girl who was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. We struck a deal! My job now is to only remind her which kind of girl she is to be.

Isn’t this our story too? All of us have a GOOD side and a BAD side. If the GOOD in us is prevailing we end up doing things, which are good for us and for the people around us. The dominant BAD in us invariably causes hurt – physical, mental or emotional to people we come in contact with.

Under normal circumstances, we always want the GOOD in us to be empowering the BAD in us!

Let’s take the discussion one notch up – when things are going okay for us we are always happy, elated and joyful. The GOOD in us always shines through. But when things are going opposite of what we want them to be, the BAD rises from the dark. It rises so badly, that we seem to have no control over it. It is like – the GOOD gets buried deep inside fearing the BAD!

How do you think you will respond in the following situations –

  • Your employee screws up the deal with one of your most important customer
  • The waiter spills coffee on your birthday dress
  • Your son breaks the screen of your new 85” television set
  • Your spouse repeats the same mistake done years ago
  • A delivery guy crashes into your brand new S Class Mercedes Benz
  • Your child insists on buying a new gadget though you have been fired from your job
  • You are having a bad day at your coaching centre, and your wife plays a prank on you
  • In trying to make fun of you, your friend drops your new iPhone

Here is the point I really wish to make – True victory and test of self-control would be – does the GOOD in us stay afloat when things are not going okay for us? Or does it stay buoyant only when things are going, as you would like them to.

When things were not happening the way Aavya wanted them to, she got angry and the BAD in her surfaced. If the same thing happens to us as adults, have we really grown? How different are we from a five year old then?

What kind of a life we live – whether it will be full of joy, peace, love, happiness, success or we will have anger, hatred, heart burn, and jealousy as our best mates; will determine what image we create for ourselves. Yes, not everything goes the way we want it to go. But how do we handle that situation. Are we still able to stay calm? Or do we lose composure in those events?

One can debate that within a few minutes I am back to normal. But how about not even losing it for those few minutes either. That is maturity!

The GOOD in you definitely needs to supersede the BAD in you! It is high time GOOD scares the BAD! Now, that’s a challenge for anyone who wants to accept!

#Good #Bad #Positive #Life #Parenting #Motivation #Hurt #Anger #Love #Peace #Joy


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I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

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