The Positive Diary

The Contagious Virus..... Kindness !




If there is anything that can charge me up instantly, it is spending time with my little neighbour who is just 4 years old. Yeah! He is my buddy. His name is Yuvaan and he instantly brings a smile to my face 🙂


His innocence and intelligence awes me most of the time. His questions are appropriate and unless he is content with my answers, he won’t stop. If you have a young child at home, you’d know better!


My cute little nephew, Kabir, who is just nearly four years old , feels sad when he has to put down a draw two card, as his mom is the next player. Playing Uno cards is his newest fascination. 


What amazes me is his emotional connection to the game. He loves to win and at times wants his bhai to win too ! 


Children are such cutiepies, I tell you! 


After publishing my last blog, “What are you giving today?”, I received some really good feedback, opinions, suggestions, thoughts, etc. 


(You can readit on the link


It was a note from my son’s former guitar teacher, Enoch Sir, which touched me. He got to my notice something that stirred my emotions .


Enoch wrote to me , “Maam, keep up the good work. Could you write an article on how things might change or not change for all of us post pandemic? ” 


On chatting with him something beautiful was conveyed as though it was a divine message 🙂


He said, “Social distancing has caused social disconnect in our relationships to some extent. Though nothing can replace the presence, warm hugs and kisses of our loved ones, we need to find ways of connecting with them without violating the social distance principle.” 

He added the need to reconnect with the older folks. This pandemic has caused them tons of worry and a social separation from their loved ones.


Isn’t every word so true?


Imagine what a “Yuvaan” or “Kabir” can do to some of them or imagine the chucklesome outcomes when you allow their inner “Yuvaan” or “Kabir” to play with you! It would be a delightful sight, don’t you think?


When my in-loves (in-laws i mean) tested positive and were in isolation, we called them a number of times in the day (since mom and dad, both are around 75 years old, they needed to be monitored thus had to be in the hospital). After initial two to two three days, I could sense their desperation to come back home as soon as possible. They wanted to see us around, sometimes even needed help with cleaning their own stuff. 

With God’s grace, they are back home now, safe and healthy! 


After my chat with Enoch, I took a step that day. I video called all my aunts, uncles and my parents ofcourse (whom i regularly call almost everyday). 

Just mere catching up and having a light hearted talk was enough to bring a smile on their face 🙂 and left me feeling full of abundant happiness, that is indescribable.


We are so blessed to be in an era of technological bliss that in spite of such home arrests, we can connect over calls with anyone at any corner of the world. 


My hearty thank you to each one involved in these inventions and innovations . 


Each of us can do a bit in so many ways. Calls, chats, letters and emails to all those who may be alone, depressed, elderly or just there living without nothing to look forward to. 

Be their “Yuvaan” or “Kabir” 🙂 Let their inner child show up while having a conversation with you and have fun. Allow it, See it, without any judgements.


Do scroll through your contacts and atleast send a “Hey hi ! Surely you are fine, just wanted to send you a smile.” 

Some replies may just surprise you. 


Nevertheless even if you don’t get a reply, this kind act of extending your support and love is enough to elevate your spirit and theirs 🙂


Kindness is free and contagious 🙂

“I choose kindness today.”

“I act with kindness.”

“I speak kindly.”

“I am a kind being.”


I hope YOU are doing well today and this article brought YOU a smile and stirred up some emotions 🙂 Sending YOU a warm hug, a big smile and a reminder to pass it along to your loved ones 🙂





Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

17 Responses

  1. WOW! Very well explained Meenal …

    One thing is to think and one thing is to ACT. So glad to know that you have been able to act too.

    Keep it up!

  2. True we should do this its gives immense joy to our elders they love to talk and they have a smile. I do this with all my elders ,my friends, my family, my loved ones .😊😃

  3. Lovely Meenal ..
    Extremely passionate n inspiring ..
    Looks like an part of every individuals feeling .. n on going experience ..
    Very nicely said n presented ..
    Let’s keep it up .. !!

  4. Very well expressed Meenal, it’s definitely a food for thought for all of us and to act. Thank you for expressing this beautifully.

  5. Wow Meenal Maam, lovely article 😊😊😊. It is so lighthearted and meaningful. Anybody will be able connect with your thoughts. Keep up the good work. Congratulations! 🙏🏽👏💐

  6. This is so thought provoking.The world would surely be a better place to live in if each one of us thought and acted kindly.

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