The Positive Diary

Srinivas, the Driver? Really!!

Guest Author:Sneha Khanwelkar

Recently, I hired a cab for a few hours to attend the Rotary Author Felicitation event. I represented my club Rotary Bangalore Lakeside as an author of Deserving.

During the long drive, Srinivas my driver, and I struck upon an interesting conversation.  Srinivas was happy to meet an author, as he is fond of reading books. On reaching the location, Srinivas asked for a copy of Deserving to read while waiting for me to return. Impressed, I promptly handed over the book and left.

When I entered the cab for our return journey, he greeted me, “So, I’m the second Srinivas driver in your life.”  I was taken aback; that comment told me he had read my book!!

Me – Oh, so you read my book. That instance is in the middle of the book. How come you reached that so fast?

Srinivas – I opened the book, read the Table of Contents, selected the topics to read, and browsed through the pictures in the book. I had a lot of time to read.

Me – (again impressed that he read the TOC) Aah, that means you read books regularly.

Srinivas – (smiling) Yes. I read many books and make notes from them too. I’ve studied up to 8th standard and I like to read. I also write a diary about the daily incidents in my life. 

Me – (totally impressed) – Wow! That’s interesting, few people write diaries. Tell me – How did you read an English book so fast?

Srinivas – That’s simple. I used Google Lens to translate the pages.

This hit me hard. How many of us make such an effort?

Here was a cab driver who made the most of his time reading books and keeping himself updated. Through the hour-long drive back home, we discussed many other instances from the book, interspersed with his personal experiences.

As we approached my house, Srinivas asked if my book was available on Amazon, and I confirmed that.  

Srinivas – “Ma’am, I will keep the book in the cab so that other customers can see it, and when they enquire, I will guide them to Amazon to buy it.”

What an innovative idea!! I was overwhelmed.

Me – That’s a brilliant idea! 😊 I didn’t think of taking the book back. I’m glad you read the book and used the waiting time constructively. We had a good conversation too. Thank you so much!

Delighted with Srinivas, I went home beaming, admiring his sensitivity, interest in reading, and his bright idea to promote Deserving.


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

27 Responses

  1. An angel in disguise! Everyone cannot strike a conversation with an unknown person, Sneha you have the ability to do so, hope we get to read more such posts.

    1. Everyone wants to be heard. I’m a good listener, hence the conversation. 😁 Thanks for reading. Yes, more such angels are on the way. 💘

  2. We need many more such people to build up humanity rather than discuss on religion, caste, race etc.

  3. A lot to think about,
    We do not think about such a small thing that the person in front of us is so experienced.

  4. Life is full of great moments, very encouraging and beautiful way of making best of every moment in time !

  5. What a wonderful interaction! Life really is made of small wonderful moments like these. Onwards and upwards Srinivas !

  6. Fantastic idea of keeping book in cab. Salute to such people. Nowadays very few people are interested in reading books.

  7. Interesting.. we need many people like you who listens and understands.. I am so glad that I know you..

  8. लाखात एखादा असा कॅब ड्रायव्हर असेल जो गुगल लेन्स वापरून पुस्तक वाचू शकतो! आणि हा योगायोग किती छान, की असा कॅब ड्रायव्हर नेमका एखाद्या लेखिकेला भेटतो. तिचेच पुस्तक वाचतो.
    खरंच खूप छान प्रसंग आहे हा. लेखिकेला सुखावणारा आणि आमच्या सारख्या वाचकांनाही आश्चर्य वाटायला लावणारा. तुमच्या नेहमीच्या शैलीसारखाच तुम्ही शब्दबद्ध सुद्धा खूप छान केला आहे.
    असेच लिहीत रहा.
    थोडीफार प्रेरणा आम्हीपण घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करू.😍😍

  9. This kind of experience is really something unique and interesting specially for a writer which encourage him or her to write further.

  10. Simply great person. A reader is a rare commodity now a days. Loved his awareness and use of technology. Also, thought behind keeping the book in his cab.

    1. Oh yes! Rare to find such great readers. His innovative idea really shows what a good human being he is.

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