The Positive Diary

Spirituality VS Religion  

What is spirituality? What is being spiritual? And what is Religion? Are they same?

The most clichéwords often heard from people is “I am Spiritual”

I am in no way of a authority to say what is what? However what I say here is completely out of my own experience with the ‘Truth’.

I apologize in advance for being brutally honest here!!

Religion is division; religion is nothing but a means to enslave YOU!

I keep repeating these words all the times “when you go above and beyond religion, then only you can think of being Spiritual”

As one of the great master said, Religion is en-mass physiotherapy (specially the technique of all will be well if you do this!) how can GOD or the ultimate Truth be conditional towards one being or one society or one community? Think of it! Moreover how can it be that you will get to experience GOD only if you or when you do this/that!

If you do this ritual, god is your servant, if you do this or that, god is with you or NOT! I can’t help but laugh at this insane LIE.

On the other hand spirituality is your own experience with yourself, discovering yourself, taking only truth but nothing else.  It is also to do with breaking your own mind structures, ideas, dogmas, perceptions and enquiring everything all the time! Yes I mean it all the time, with every thought and emotion! When you say, “I believe” you have already said this is just my perception or an idea but might not be truth. So questioning all these opinions and ideas is imperative.

Being spiritual means facing your truth all the time, no matter if its good, bad or ugly, not running away, not escaping, and not falling blind to it. What is meeting or facing your truth?

Whatever hurts you, whatever you don’t like, whatever you think is not good. Question it, enquire within yourself. Ask why is it, that I don’t like this, or I fear this. Any particular feeling and emotions is nothing but like Google maps towards your own truth. if you have the courage to be honest then you will discover the lies that we tell ourselves and face whatever the answers are! Most of us run away from questioning or sitting with ourselves coz we are fearful of what all surface will be bitter or unbearable sometimes.

The whole point of being spiritual is Acceptance, acceptance and acceptance of who you are and whatever is part of you.


Written By

Jyoti Basantani

Jyoti Basantani

A spiritual seeker, solo traveller and an explorer who has unschooled herself from the clutches of corporate and mechanical life of 12 years. Also being in construction business for 4 years has taught me life is not about money, academic education, success and how much I own. However life is about living itself, how are you passing through life! Joyfully or with resentment and pain. That’s all there is!

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