The Positive Diary

Sound Travel!




“…….Hmm lala la la la

You told me that you’d wait forever


I knew that it was now or never

Those were the best days of my life “


A circle and strike ….


I just struck the chords of an imaginary guitar in my hand as I heard this song  ….smiles!


This song springs up my steps and I am instantly transported to the classroom of my engineering college days. Waohh ! Hey Adi, Pallu, Juhi …. And ofcourse the other gang. Ohhh how we teased , had fun, those bunkings and those last minute submissions, and if you are an engineer you’d know the GTs (glass tracings) , the labs, professors, placement interviews , projects , the digital lab, Raasne Maam ( one of our favs) , oh the organic chemistry in class 12 , coming back to M1, M2 ….. oopppss my mood just changed!!

Yeah M2 (engineering maths 2) was my the only ATKT throughout my academics which of course I cleared in the next sem. 


Hey hey knock knock …..!


Did you just time travel with me ! 


Smiling ! Surprised !


How ?


Did that Bryan Adams song just transport us?


A song took me back twenty years. Have you experienced this sometime ?


Some sounds, songs take us back to high school days or some rainy days, some loved ones , a memory lane or it may just make you want to dance and jump. I guess it’s the vibes or energy that the beats or the lyrics of these songs carry. 


This is how sound meditations or healings work. Chants , mantras or affirmations are words with energies or vibrations which connect with you. Have you realised chants or mantras lift your devotional spirit . At my yoga class , we always begin with AUM chanting . It just brings me back to the moment. Connects me to my body and thus my yoga practise. I personally love practising affirmations. They have changed the way I speak to myself. While I love chanting or singing mantras in unison, affirmations are my self-talk . 


Ancient healing rituals do mention use of sounds like drumming or singing.

Infact, with repetition the power of sounds feels enhanced. 

Mantras put into music are kirtans and are often practised at worship spaces. 


From my meditation teacher I learned that chanting is not from the mouth. It’s from the heart. What she means is that it is not always necessary to always voice a chant. With the intention of devotion and love even someone without a voice can experience magic. 


Each one of us may have different experiences with different sounds at different places or different times.  

I have tried to explain the magic of sound in my simple words. 


To share a secret with you, I actually sometimes imagine myself with Krishna in Vrindavan. Dancing to my tunes, my songs , at times with a guitar and his flute and the unplugged versions. Even while I write this I am kind of going into that trance, Raas of my love, Krishna. 


With the same vibe I invite you to experience some sound magic  ….. shut your eyes and loose yourself out with my favourite track ……



Credits :
Singer : Aishwarya Anand
Music : Surya Raj kamal
Music production : Bharat Kamal
Lyrics : Shekhar Astitva
Music Label : ML Records
Studio Partner : ML Studios
Youtube link :

Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

10 Responses

  1. From where do you get such ideas.. you guys seem to be already in trance.. when could I think of my Krishna with drums..
    and sound not only travel alone.. it can surely make you travel to the best days of your life.. awesomely presented.

  2. Yeah! You did make me travel back in time ….
    Until you brought me back 🙁
    Love the track ….. Very soothing!

  3. Very aptly described dear… am part of a sound meditation group and the vibrations one feels are so energising…..superb thought …put into words perfectly…

  4. Meenal beautifully explained…each word touches heart and while listening track eyes cried with happiness….its like…

    ” डोळे ” हे स्पर्शापेक्षा चांगल्या रीतीने
    भावना व्यक्त करु शकतात…!!
    ” स्पर्श ” हा ” शब्दांपेक्षा ” चांगल्या
    रीतीने दिलासा देऊ शकतो …!!
    पण ” शब्द ” जर योग्य रीतीने वापरले गेले ,तर ते डोळ्यांना ओलावून ह्र्दयाला स्पर्श करु शकतात…!!

    Well done ..keep writing…we loved it…

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