The Positive Diary

Soulful transformations : 8 days of Paryushan



Paryushan, the annual Jain festival, is a time for deep spiritual reflection and renewal. During these eight sacred days, Jains around the world embark on a journey of self-purification, seeking to cleanse their souls of impurities and rekindle their connection with their inner selves. The essence of Paryushan lies not only in the abstinence from physical indulgences but also in the purification of one’s mind and emotions.


This year for Paryushan, i invite you to explore my series of meaningful fasts that go beyond abstaining from food. These fasts are designed to rejuvenate our mental and emotional well-being, helping us embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.


As we delve into these fasts, let us remember that the true essence of Paryushan lies in the purification of our intentions, thoughts, and actions.


Day 1 : Anger Abstinence : Commit to not getting angry for a day. Practice patience and understanding in all situations.

No unnecessary retaliation. No need to answer back. No need for explanations. Don’t ask for explanations either. Understand others perspective.

Challenge yourself to go a whole day without complaining about anything or anyone. This will help cultivate a more positive outlook.

Listen more. Smile more .

Day 2 : Gratitude Day: Dedicate a day to appreciating and thanking everyone who has contributed to our life, from family and friends to coworkers and acquaintances.

Let’s take a day to thank our staff as well, our watchmen, drivers, maids. Let’s thank ourself too. Thank the universe ,the creator for all that we have and will have. Be grateful for everything and everyone.

Day 3 : Forgiveness Journey : Reflect on our past and forgive those who may have wronged us. Let go of grudges and resentment, allowing ourself to find inner peace. Let’s forgive ourself as well. Reflect on our past mistakes and forgive ourself for any self-imposed guilt or regrets.

Day 4 : Self-Reflection : Spend a day in deep self-reflection. Contemplate our life’s purpose, values, and goals. Journal our thoughts and feelings.

We can spend a day in silence, refraining from spoken communication. Use this time for introspection and mindful observation.

Day 5 : Digital Detox : Disconnect from electronic devices and social media for a day. Focus on real-life connections and mindfulness.

Or atleast stay away from all digital data that is not of our help just for a day. For a day we could maybe just receive calls. No need to check every forward on whatsapp or surf the instagram. Let’s observe our people , our environment around.


Day 6 : Acts of Kindness : Dedicate a day to performing random acts of kindness for strangers, friends, or family members. Spread positivity and compassion.

Lets be kind to ourself too. Accept ourself as we are. Love ourself as we are. Lets accept all our loved ones, friends , colleagues , workers as they are. Lets uplift them in all ways possible by us, either by educating them, training them or helping them.


Day 7 : Meditation and Mindfulness : Engage in meditation and mindfulness practices through the day. Cultivate inner calmness and mental clarity.

Be mindful of what we eat , what we talk, what we see , hear and think. Be mindful of our reactions , our voice tones and our body language.

Lets meditate and pray.

Day 8 : Charity and Giving : Contribute to a charitable cause or help those in need. Generosity and selflessness can bring immense emotional fulfillment.


Along with the traditional food fasts, these fasts will not only rejuvenate our mental and emotional aura but also promote self-awareness, empathy, and spiritual growth.

Writing a blog about our experiences during these 8 days of Paryushan and how they impacted our life could inspire others on their own journey of self-improvement and inner peace.


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

3 Responses

  1. This is a lovely perspective Meenal ….
    Kudos for putting this together! It will only add value to these 8 auspicious days!

  2. Very well said…..the need of the hour….rather than the rituals, more importance should be given to understanding 👏

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