The Positive Diary

Social Media or Social Menace???




This time I wanted to write on a topic which would require thinking, pondering, taking one deeper into understanding life. But then I kept coming across too many experiences and information that affirmed that we are not ready yet, before we clean up the superficial mess we have got ourselves into.

I’m almost fed up, fed of reading about youngsters lose their lives while making a to be “viral reel.”  People dancing around fast moving trains, leaning from dangerous cliffs, standing in between water falls only to be swept away, trying stunts which they aren’t trained for and so on.  Yes, everyone has to die, my point is at least die a meaningful death.  Stand at the border and save the country, everyone will salute the martyrdom.  It’s not about the one losing the life, its about all the pain they cause to the people left behind.

And on a deeper note, its also not about the pain. Its is basically about how low Human Intellect has stooped and how far this madness will go…..

Aren’t we all a part of this madness at some degree or the other?

We wear a nice dress, click a hundred pictures, post a couple of them and wait for the world to applaud.  What was our contribution? Neither did we make the fabric, nor did we design it, nor did we stitch, market or sell it. We simply wore it. And that requires applaud!!!! Wah wah!!!

We order food in a restaurant and click pictures to post, neither we cooked,nor did we plate it or decorate it. We simply saw it, and we need applause for that. Great!!

I notice a lot of students around me (from good families) post pictures in skimpy clothes and expect the world to respond.  My question to these is, “What are you trying to be?”  A bar tender? Strip tease dancer? What?
Sorry for the harsh examples but that is the truth, these are the things that crop up in one’s mind on seeing such media. How do you want the world to respond?  Call you with sensious names, make derogatory remarks?

And these will be the very people who a few years down the line will complain that the world does not respect women, does not respect young talent and so on….  well you gave them a different perspective about yourself in the first place. Its not the world’s fault.

Everyone is dancing, on mountain tops, in the middle of a flood, in family gatherings…. no meaningful talks, no concern about what the other person is going through, does anyone need help, guidance, does anyone have something to share…. nothing. Wherever we meet, we make reels is like the new mantra.

I’m fed up of reading about over tourism by social media followers and the destruction of natural beauty they cause and the menace they create for locals.
How many more pictures will we take, seriously!!!

Do we even realise what a threat we put our families into when we “check in” on social media, when we visit places, restaurants, theatres? Why should the world know where you are?  Not only it is a breach in your personal lives but also a security threat.

Lets stop being so naive, if you have young children or if you are a youngster; please accept the fact that there are sites, people, following eveyone’s digital footprint.  Its just a matter of time, they will use this information for all sort of selfish benefits.

Nothing is free in the world, you are not using products/services like facebook, insta, twitter, watsapp for free….. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT!!!

If that makes any sense, do ponder upon it. Books can be written on this topic , and I shall surely write more.
Right now, try to save yourself from the menace. Use the sites, dont get used and abused by them.

Take care of what you post on social media, take care of your privacy, take care of your future.

With Love and Smiles,


Written By

Sanna Gosavi

Sanna Gosavi

I am a New Age Performing Artist. A Musician, Singer, Composer, Teacher and Author; I believe that the ultimate goal of any Art Form is to take one beyond what one can percieve, into the Higher Planes of Consciousness. My constant endeavor is to address this goal through her work. My Music, My Voice and My Writings have a simplistic element which tends to Strike the Deepest Chords Of Your Heart!

4 Responses

  1. One of the simplest and best post read.. Hence I m least on social media 🤣🤣
    Don’t have Instagram account yet.

    Superb write up
    Keep writing

  2. So beautifully and aptly put!
    Sooner we wake up to this alarm, better for us!
    Thanks for writing this one

  3. This is actually so thoughtful and the point to ponder on . Thanks for putting it in words and making it easy for everyone to understand .

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