The Positive Diary

Small Victories


Crisis brings forth many emotions…. fear, frustration, irritation, anger, depression, nervousness… all together.

How to come out of it? 

The Pandemic has hit the world big time. So far there doesn’t seem to be a solution for it. 

For me, last some weeks have been a revelation. People knowingly or unknowingly have been doing some interesting activities. 

A friend, a Furniture shop owner, has been busy in his Kitchen preparing different recipes for his family.

Another, who never liked exercising, is skipping consistently and has already reached his first goal of 1000 skips at a stretch. His next goal being 2000 skips. 

While yet another friend, who until now behaved like a kid himself, has been adoring his new-born baby and helping his wife take care of it day and night. 

The question is, will these activities help them tide over the crisis? 

Will the clouds of despair be cleared by these small acts?

Maybe not. 

But, when I do an activity consistently and succeed in it, I feel good about myself. It gives me a self confidence which can’t be matched by listening to a Guru or praying to the almighty. Amidst the desert of unsurety, sadness, loneliness, this small success acts as an oasis of hope. It makes me feel good about myself. If I repeat a number of such small victories in different phases of my day to day life it will act as the fuel for doing further positive acts in my field of Profession. 

After all, a farmer, not knowing whether it will be a good season or will he be affected by a famine or floods, keeps on tilling his land and keep the seeds ready to sow. He knows only one thing, 

‘Let me do my Best,

He will take care of the rest’.

Let’s involve ourselves into meaningful activities and enjoy the small victories. We cannot escape the big challenge but these small victories will give us confidence to achieve similar small victories in our Profession too, which when added over a period will result into the ultimate victory.

The Pandemic is temporary but our will power is permanent. Let’s Rock!


Written By

Rajesh Shetty

Rajesh Shetty

Likes to pen down different experiences life throws at us and evolve the learnings from them. A Restaurateur by Profession, having Cycling as hobby, works for Organ Donation awareness through an NGO, ReBirth Foundation.

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