The Positive Diary

Simple ways for changing habits in Kids


Habit is  an action that we repeatedly do until it becomes effortless. A very important part of grooming or raising kids is developing the right kid of discipline and good habits from their childhood, so that such routine or instances can continue and support them throughout their life.

The book “ Atomic Habit “ is written by James Clear and he mentions about 4 laws for habit change in adults. And in this video link below, I have spoken about how this can be applied in kids.

When kids have a certain routine or follow a certain set of habits, raising them can be more simpler and more easy to us as parents.
This video talks about simple ways for application of these principles.
Check it out and comment if you find it helpful.

Happy Parenting

Dr. Namrata A Soni.



Written By

Dr. Namrata A Soni

Dr. Namrata A Soni

I am a happy soul, fast learner, an optimistic mind, I Love self musing and good at reading human behaviour and patterns.. I am a practising aesthetic dentist and a part time mother. Having explored a lot of alternative therapies .. healing and counselling comes pretty naturally . Penning down my experiences towards living life to its fullest. My main areas are parenting and life lessons. Catch up more about me on my Instagram handle @dentistrytodiapers Would love to hear from all of you..

One Response

  1. This is amazing!
    He best part about your vlogs is that they strike the most important nerve and are easy to implement

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