The Positive Diary

Sandwich Vs Dum Biryani: Simplicity Vs Complexity


It was a long weekend, and while many were making plans for outings, adventures, and relaxation, my mind was preoccupied with food (no surprise there!). The weekend presented a perfect opportunity to indulge in culinary delights, and I found myself torn between two very different dishes: the humble sandwich and the grand Dum Biryani. These two options represented not just different cuisines but also contrasting philosophies of simplicity and complexity.

The Simple Delight: Sandwich

Let me start with the sandwich, a quintessential comfort food. My fondness for sandwiches dates back to my childhood when my friend’s father would make us delightful sandwiches whenever we visited. These sandwiches were simple yet incredibly satisfying, made with just a few ingredients: fresh bread, crisp cucumber slices, and a generous spread of mint chutney.

The beauty of a sandwich lies in its simplicity. It requires minimal ingredients, little preparation, and is quick to assemble. A loaf of bread, some fresh cucumbers, and a jar of mint chutney are all you need. The bread serves as a blank canvas, the cucumbers add a refreshing crunch, and the mint chutney brings a burst of flavour. Within minutes, you have a delicious meal ready to be enjoyed.

In a world that often glorifies complexity, there’s something profoundly comforting about the simplicity of a sandwich. It reminds us that not everything in life needs to be elaborate to be enjoyable. Sometimes, the simplest things bring the greatest joy. The sandwich, with its straightforward ingredients and easy preparation, embodies this philosophy perfectly.

The Regal Feast: Dum Biryani

On the other end of the spectrum lies the Dum Biryani, a dish that is the epitome of complexity and richness. Originating from the royal kitchens of India, Dum Biryani is a labour of love, requiring numerous ingredients and a meticulous cooking process. 

To make a traditional Dum Biryani, one needs an array of spices (cumin, coriander, cardamom, cloves, and more), fragrant Basmati rice, tender meat (chicken, mutton), fresh herbs (mint and coriander), caramelized onions, yogurt, saffron, and ghee. The preparation itself is an elaborate affair: marinating the meat, layering it with rice, spices, and fried onions, and then cooking it slowly on a low flame, allowing the flavours to meld together in perfect harmony.

Cooking Dum Biryani is a time-consuming process, requiring patience and precision. It’s not just about following a recipe but also about infusing the dish with love and care. The result is a fragrant, flavorful, and regal dish that is worth every minute of effort.

Embracing Simplicity and Complexity in Life

The contrast between the sandwich and Dum Biryani extends beyond the kitchen and into our lives. The sandwich represents the simple pleasures – the moments of ease and comfort that we often take for granted. These are the times when life is straightforward, and joy comes effortlessly, much like putting together a sandwich.

On the other hand, Dum Biryani symbolizes the complex situations we encounter – the challenges that require time, effort, and patience to navigate. Just like cooking a biryani, these moments demand our full attention and dedication. They may be daunting, but they also bring a sense of accomplishment and richness to our lives.

Finding Balance

While it’s wonderful to enjoy the simple things in life, it’s equally important to appreciate the complex experiences. The key is finding a balance between the two. Embrace the simplicity of a sandwich on a busy weekday when you need a quick and satisfying meal. Relish the complexity of Dum Biryani on a leisurely weekend, when you have the time to immerse yourself in the cooking process and savour every bite.

Life, much like our culinary choices, is a blend of simplicity and complexity. There will be days when we crave the straightforwardness of a sandwich and days when we are ready to tackle the intricacies of a biryani. Both have their place and value, enriching our lives in different ways.

A Culinary Metaphor

As I stood in my kitchen, contemplating between making a sandwich or Dum Biryani, I realized that this decision was more than just about food. It was a reflection of life itself. The sandwich and biryani, with their contrasting natures, reminded me to appreciate both the simple and complex moments. 

So, whether you find yourself reaching for a sandwich or embarking on the journey of making a Dum Biryani, remember to cherish the process. Embrace the ease and comfort of simplicity, but also welcome the richness and depth that complexity brings. After all, life is a beautiful blend of both, and each has its own unique flavour to offer.


Written By



A seeker, optimist & a loyal friend.

One Response

  1. Love the way you make co-relation between these two mouth watering dishes with life!
    Also, you have simplified it so well – have sandwich on busy day and Biryani on relaxed day! So apt and important to integrate into our living style!

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