The Positive Diary

Retired & Loving It!

I was at the dentist and as the doctor completed my work, the receptionist said, “Doctor, Sneha ma’am is a very active person, she goes to the gym, socializes, and participates in various activities in the apartment.” I smiled and said, “I’m enjoying my retired life.”

My gym trainer, a young boy commented, “You are chilling out and making the most of your life. You are so different from others of your age. I wonder if I will remain as enthusiastic as you when I’m your age.”  I replied, “Well, it took me years to figure out what makes me happy. I chose to have a happy retired life.” You have many years to reach there, keep working.

While planning finances for retirement, one must also be mentally prepared to embrace a new lifestyle. The demands of the new phase are dynamically different, and we must scale up. As it’s popularly said, every new chapter of your life’s journey will demand a new version of you – a version that is wiser, more confident, and stronger.

In four decades of working life, I was probably stressed as I’d worked sincerely, and strived hard to live up to the expectations from family or workplace. There was no time for cultivating hobbies. The combination of social norms, their hypocrisies, and the changing family dynamics made me value my freedom and individuality even more. I became more adaptable and spiritually more aware.

I began to feel a burnout. I didn’t want to be alert and achieving all the time. I declared I’d retire at 50. However, that year led to another good phase at work; I changed cities and landed in Bangalore. When I turned 55, the pandemic hit, and I lost my job. I declared that even God wanted me to enjoy a retired life, and refused to look for another job. I happily put my legs up and retired from work. 😊 Mind you, I retired from working, not living.

The only plan for my retired life was to live leisurely. I wanted to live each day at its own pace, not be answerable to anyone for my actions, and to rest well. I decided to stop stretching myself. While working, even if I would travel, there’d be no time to simmer in the joy because I’d have to report to work the next day.

In my retired life, it was my time and convenience. I’m a happy soul because I live independently and follow a healthy lifestyle. I cook and eat what I like, travel, and engage in activities that keep me satisfied. The first thing I did after I retired was to move into my own flat and author my life story DESERVING. I took to social media, started trekking, remained engaged with my Rotary Lakeside club, continued to learn Argentine Tango dancing, went to the gym, and traveled more often.  

It’s good to remember “Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials – much to live on and much to live for.” – Author Unknown


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

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