The Positive Diary

Pushpa NM: Bengaluru's Inspiring Scribe for Students with Disabilities


Fate has a way of leading people down unexpected paths, shaping their lives through a series of chance encounters and choices. Pushpa NM, a resident of Bengaluru, knows this all too well. In 2007, a simple decision to take a bus instead of her usual walk set in motion a remarkable journey that would change her life forever.

On that fateful bus ride, Pushpa struck up a conversation with a visually impaired passenger, unaware of the profound impact it would have on her life. The encounter led to a life-altering request: would she be willing to serve as a scribe for the man’s upcoming exam? Overwhelmed by the challenges he faced, Pushpa graciously agreed.

Fast forward 16 years, and Pushpa has devoted her life to assisting individuals with disabilities in completing their examinations, entirely free of charge. Her selfless service extends to a wide range of exams, from school tests to civil service exams, and even undergraduate, graduate, and PhD examinations. In total, she has written an astonishing 1,086 exams in languages including Hindi, English, Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu.

Pushpa’s own life has been marked by hardship. Her family’s move from Doddaballapura to Bengaluru in search of a better life, her father’s debilitating accident, and her mother’s relentless efforts to make ends meet all left an indelible mark on her. Growing up, Pushpa felt a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of others, a calling born from her own experiences with adversity.

It was this innate sense of compassion that led Pushpa to embrace the unexpected opportunity presented by that chance encounter on the bus. She describes her response as immediate and unwavering, saying, “One thing I was sure about was that I wanted to do something for others. The hardships of my life had made me kind and generous towards those who suffer.”

Despite her full-time job at a research and development company in Bengaluru, Pushpa’s employer supports her noble mission by providing leave and flexibility to write exams for individuals with disabilities.

Pushpa acknowledges the challenges that come with her unique role as a scribe. Patience, she believes, is the key to success in this field. Hours spent in examination halls, maintaining focus, and adapting to candidates’ varying paces of speech are part of the job. Being an attentive listener, not easily distracted, is crucial.

Moreover, being a scribe carries immense responsibility, as the candidates’ futures depend on the accuracy of the written exams. Pushpa emphasizes the importance of respecting the candidates and treating them as equals. With zero knowledge of the subjects she writes about, she diligently transcribes their words, following strict exam protocols.

Pushpa’s dedication has not gone unnoticed. In 2019, she received the Nari Shakti Puraskar in recognition of her outstanding work. As she approaches her 1,087th exam, Pushpa reflects on her journey with humility. “There are times in life when you don’t have any other option but to be strong,” she says. “By writing their exams, I feel like I have contributed a small amount to making someone’s life better. That is my biggest motivation.”

For Pushpa NM, examination halls have become more than just rooms filled with desks and papers; they are places where she continues to shape destinies, one exam at a time.




Written By

pooja chavan

pooja chavan

"Hello, I'm Pooja, on a mission to spread positivity wherever I go. Join me on the journey as we uncover the bright side of life together here at Positive Diary." journey that celebrates the art of living vibrantly.

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