The Positive Diary

Perception shapes REALITY


There is no such thing as reality. There are only perceptions which shape our individual reality.

Here is a simple example – 

If we write down the letter ‘W‘.

We will probably only see the letter ‘W‘, because of the angle at which we are looking at it.

If we turn it upside down, we will suddenly see the letter, ‘M‘.

If we look from the right side, it appears as the number, ‘3‘,

and looking at it from the left side, we see the letter, ‘E‘.

Just because someone else has a perception which shapes their reality is different from our perception, does not make them wrong or us right.

If one accepts that everyone has their own perspective and reality, we will not only be tolerant but more respectful of others. This in turn will help us achieve success and realise happiness.

I am grateful to my friend Bahram Shahmardaan, for this lesson.

#BahramShahmardaan #happiness #perception #perspective #successful #truth


Written By

Gurvinder Singh

Gurvinder Singh

Experience is not what happens to us, but what we learn and do with what has happens to us. Experiences are gifts of existence. If we reflect and contemplate on our experiences and learning there is a good possibility for us to awaken and progress materially, intellectually and spiritually.

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