The Positive Diary

Neera Arya: The First Woman Spy of INA, A Braveheart Who Defied All Odds

Early Life and Patriotic Spirit

Neera Arya, born on March 5, 1902, in Khekra, Baghpat district, Uttar Pradesh, was the daughter of Seth Chhajumal, a distinguished businessman. Growing up during British colonial rule, Neera exhibited a profound love for her nation from an early age, participating in various freedom movements.

Marriage and Conflict

Her life took a significant turn when she married Shrikant Jairanjan Das, an investigation officer for the British government. This union became a source of conflict as her husband’s allegiance to the British clashed with Neera’s fervent desire for India’s independence.

Joining the Freedom Movement

Neera’s unwavering patriotism led her to join the Jhansi Regiment, part of the Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army) founded by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Despite her marital ties, she devoted herself to the freedom movement, working tirelessly to liberate India from British rule.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The conflict between Neera and her husband reached a critical point when Shrikant was ordered to spy on and assassinate Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Faced with an impossible choice, Neera chose her country over her marital bond. In a moment of profound courage, she killed her husband to save Netaji, an act that led to her imprisonment and a life sentence.

Torture and Unyielding Loyalty

In prison, Neera Arya endured relentless torture as British authorities attempted to extract information about the Indian National Congress (INC) and Netaji. Despite the bribes and threats, Neera’s patriotism remained unshaken. Historical accounts reveal that her refusal to betray her comrades resulted in horrific physical torture, including having her breasts chopped off.

India’s First Woman Spy

Neera Arya’s resilience and unwavering commitment to the freedom struggle earned her the distinction of being the first woman spy of the Azad Hind Fauj. Her courage and sacrifice became a symbol of resistance and dedication to the nation’s cause.

Post-Independence Life and Legacy

Following India’s independence, Neera Arya was released from prison. She spent her remaining years in Hyderabad, passing away in 1998. For many years, her extraordinary contributions remained largely unrecognized. However, Kannada film director Roopa Iyer’s decision to make a biopic on her life has brought her story to light, ensuring that her legacy as an unsung warrior of the INA is remembered and celebrated.

Lessons from Neera Arya’s Life

  • Unyielding Patriotism: Neera Arya’s life exemplifies unwavering love for one’s country, demonstrating the power of patriotism in the face of adversity.
  • Courage in Adversity: Her journey teaches the importance of resilience and the ability to find strength within ourselves during the most trying times.
  • Sacrifice for a Greater Cause: Neera’s ultimate sacrifice underscores the significance of selflessness and putting the nation’s needs above personal interests.
  • Loyalty and Integrity: Her steadfast loyalty to her country and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose highlights the values of loyalty and integrity.
  • Remembering Unsung Heroes: Neera Arya’s story reminds us of the countless unsung heroes whose sacrifices played a crucial role in India’s struggle for independence.


Neera Arya’s remarkable story serves as an enduring inspiration, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of individuals who have selflessly fought for a cause greater than themselves. Her lessons of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, loyalty, resilience, and the need to remember unsung heroes will continue to ignite the flame of inspiration in the hearts of those who hear her extraordinary tale.


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The Positive Diary





Written By

pooja chavan

pooja chavan

"Hello, I'm Pooja, on a mission to spread positivity wherever I go. Join me on the journey as we uncover the bright side of life together here at Positive Diary." journey that celebrates the art of living vibrantly.

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