The Positive Diary

Nature , My Therapist !




In India, October is the transitioning month, where you may occasionally experience rain and heat as well.

When I walk in the garden especially in the evenings, I love to touch the leaves, look at the flowers and glance at the colour blends in the sky . My husband, Santosh, calls me crazy cause at times I am actually talking to these nature beauties. 

Honestly, I feel blessed to get these opportunities to observe nature!


How often do we pay attention to the natural cycles around us?

Leaves sprout, grow, transform and finally shed off. Nature is ever changing.

But is nature just for observation?


Jay Shetty writes in his book,

“Letting go is a big part of the rhythm of nature, as is rebirth.”


So very true.

Reptiles shed their skins, birds shed their feathers and WE…?

We cling on to MY ideas, MY materialistic possessions, MY people.

Its all about ME, MYSELF & MINE! 


Ever even noticed it? 

Something worth pondering upon!

Letting go is not easy but not as tough either. We need to understand that letting go of fears or irritations, someone else’s words, guilt, etc, help us to actually grow, evolve, heal and facilitates our transformation to become better versions of ourselves. 

It’s like a human software upgrade. 

Delete the trash permanently and create space for what we need. Only keep apps that serve you and make your life easier 🙂

 We need to LET GO for ourselves! It is a form of self love. Do it for YOU!

Once you understand this , it is easy to take that first step .

For me these nature walks allow me to open up to take my first step towards letting go. All that is unlike love seems to dissipate in the air when I look at the flowers. All the stored emotions of the day that were pulling me down seem to sink into the earth leaving me, like an emotional detox that leaves me feeling lighter, a burden taken off me by Mother Earth itself and the flowers whispering in my ears, “Let Go Meenal, Let go!” 

Call me crazy if you will, but this is my Nature Therapy 🙂
Now, tell me what’s yours?


Read how my dear friend, Neelum feels when she sees trees ….


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

2 Responses

  1. Wow…it seemed like you are echoing my thoughts….as even i can talk to leaves or walls or sofas or a fav corner or anything for that matter in my home n my kids call me crazy…but i agree it is such a stress buster or me time …loads of love for putting such beautiful thoughts into words…

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