The Positive Diary




Body Language ….in my yoga language it is simply mind body energy connection. 

Our state of mind causes certain energy movements in our body and these in turn lead to our  body state.

Simply body language , right!



Okay, let me give you an example, let’s go back to a moment of disappointment or sadness. These cause our energy to flow downwards or away from the brain. Thus body posture tends to slump. Infact we even use words like ,”I am low” or “I feel depressed.”


Now go back to a moment of happiness. Energy flows upwards , towards the brain. Our words too reflect this upward state when we say stuff like ,”I feel on top of the world.” Infact we straighten up , walk upright and smile too.


You have observed the same , right?


Summarising, our mind affects energy and energy affects our body.


Isn’t this so interesting!


Now see the reverse. Through body postures we can lift our energy and in turn uplift our state of mind. I have personally experimented the following and will love to share this with you.



Make a note of your current state of mind by rating it on a scale of 1 to 10. Now keep this note aside for a while.


Pause , take a few slow breaths .

Stand erect. Straighten your back . Stretch out your hands above your head coming into a Y shape. Look upwards and smile. Stay here for a few breaths. Then relax and get your hands down slowly. 


Now rate your state of mind again . Surely it must be above the previous score.


So was this some rocket science? 


Rather this shows the power of mind and body .


This was a very simple example of the effect of the body on energy. Yoga offers many techniques that use the body to lift energy more powerfully than this. Yoga has many asanas and pranayama, that have their own special effect on energy which with overall practice can bring peace, calm, balance and focus.



This is a simple and interesting insight into the mind body energy system.






Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

9 Responses

  1. The statement – “Our mind affects energy and energy affects our body” is absolutely true and powerful.

    You have explained a difficult concept in a very simple way! KUDOS …

  2. Kaise samjha lete ho itna simplicity se..hats off.. but I have few questions associated to dual feelings of happiness and sadness together .. would like to interact on it…truly awesome

    1. Very nice
      Positive mindset!!
      Nice explanation
      A person gets inspired by this and learns the art of living.!!

  3. Wow .. amazing ..
    so simple n within selves ..
    energetic n encouraging ..
    develops positive viewpoint !!

  4. Very nice
    Positive mindset!!
    Nice explanation
    A person gets inspired by this and learns the art of living.!!

  5. Very true minal…exercise increase positive energy flow and happy harmons release.

    Explained nicely smile and sweet.truth of life ..totally agree…

  6. Wow!!
    I feel so good! I just tried the simple technique you explained and it WORKED!! It’s so effective!
    Love love love the affirmation too. THANK YOU FOR MY CONNECTION WITH ALL THAT IS

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