The Positive Diary

Moon's Touch: Chandrayaan-3 Progress


Exciting news from India’s space group ISRO! They did something really important over the weekend. They moved their spacecraft, Chandrayaan-3, closer to the Moon. People who like space were really happy about this.

Chandrayaan-3 is now going around the Moon, and it sent a message back saying, “Hey, I’m near the Moon and I can feel its gravity!” This message told us that it’s getting very close to the Moon.

On Sunday, ISRO made Chandrayaan-3 go even closer to the Moon. They changed its path so that it goes in a new circle around the Moon. It’s like when you change your direction while walking.

After this, ISRO has a plan to do three more moves to make Chandrayaan-3 get even closer to the Moon. The next move is going to happen on August 9th.

Next, they will separate the part of Chandrayaan-3 that will land on the Moon from the rest of the spacecraft. This part has a rover inside it. A rover is like a little car that can explore the Moon.

Before they separate, Chandrayaan-3 has to go in a circle around the Moon again. The rover’s name is Pragyan, and it’s inside the landing part named Vikram. They will try to softly land on the Moon’s South Pole on August 23rd. This is hard because they need to slow down perfectly.

When the rover lands, it will do cool experiments on the Moon’s ground. It’s like a scientist doing work in a new place. The rover will work for about two weeks, using the Sun to get power.

People from ISRO are watching Chandrayaan-3 closely from a special place on Earth. They want to make sure everything goes well. It’s like having a friend on the phone while you’re on a big adventure.



Written By

pooja chavan

pooja chavan

"Hello, I'm Pooja, on a mission to spread positivity wherever I go. Join me on the journey as we uncover the bright side of life together here at Positive Diary." journey that celebrates the art of living vibrantly.

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