The Positive Diary




A pretty simple word, yeah !

It simply suggests getting the mind fully to NOW. To what’s happening, to what you’re doing, and to the space you are in .

But do we apply this word SO simply? Most of the time our mind is either thinking about the past or the future rather than the present moment. Isn’t it?

We as humans have a very peculiar feature. We talk to ourselves all the time. This inner voice is a great storyteller. This voice is our mind telling us stories about our past or the future.

But let me tell you thoughts are just thoughts. The trick is not to get attached to them. Do not give them the attention and thus not travel with them. Just allow them to pass. Treat them as a third party. Just see, hear and move ahead and do what you were doing. No need to react or respond.

This is simply being Mindful, being present. Cultivate mindfulness, and trust me it is easy.


lets Begin …..

Let’s start , decide one activity of your day during which you want to implement mindfulness. Say for example cooking. So while cooking, start with a smile on your face. Now observe the ingredients, the different colours, different aromas and their different textures. As the cooking progresses watch the changes in colour, aroma, texture. Enjoy adding ingredients and spices one by one, while feeling each of them with your fingers. Smile and feel gratitude for getting this moment to cook and serve. Be thankful for the space around you. Thus basically you are just doing what you are doing, but being present in the activity. You are one hundred percent absorbed into the activity , in the present . You will observe the mind did not go back or forth as long as you were into the task mindfully. Well even if it does, gently come back to the task .

You can extend this mindfulness to each or most of the activities of your day. Be mindful while talking to someone, while taking a bath or/and while studying. Try and incorporate it in the maximum of your deeds. Feel the change, feel the shift.

Wishing you loving transformations, I mindfully affirm, “ thank you for this chance to make my life better today!”


Read more….

Gratitude Journaling

Setting Intentions


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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