The Positive Diary

Messiah In Munich


A few years back, I was traveling in Europe. Anuja invited me to her place in Munich. It was the first time that I stayed with a student. 😊 One day, Anuja went to work, and I planned to visit Marienplatz. Anuja gave me cash for the bus, the bus number, and proper instructions with a small map on how to reach the bus junction about 700 meters away.

It was a pleasant day. The excellent roads had beautiful houses with cute flowering plants on the balconies along the route. I kept watching them and I lost the way to the bus stop. With help from local folks, I got on track and reached the Kapuzinerplatz bus stop. I had to board a bus to Central Railway Station and explore my way towards Marienplatz.

In Europe, we have to enter the bus, pay the driver, and then move in to take a seat. I gave him 10 Euros for the ticket; the fare was 7.80 Euros.

Driver: I don’t have change, give me change.

I looked, found two 5€ notes, and said that’s all I have. The driver gave me an ‘Oh you go away’ look. That wasn’t very pleasant. I didn’t know what to do. I looked around and saw only Germans on board. I didn’t know the German language. One gentleman who just boarded the bus looked over my shoulder.

I: (looking sideways at the man) I need a 2.80€ change.

Driver: Lady, pay or get down. (Surely, he had a bad start to his day.)

Others were still boarding the bus. I didn’t want to get down as the next bus would arrive only after 30 odd minutes. Woefully, I looked at the driver and then one last look at the other travelers for help. The gentleman caught my eye. He jumped out of his seat, and with a flourish, he took off his hat, bowed to the others, and said – Change for the lady, please.

Quickly, people contributed their 10/20/25/ cents, and within seconds the gentleman collected 2.80 Euros. Graciously, he gave the change to me. Happily, I gave the driver the exact required fare. By now, everyone was seated inside the bus.

Driver: Take a seat. I will start the bus.

I turned around and looked for a seat. Feeling overwhelmed at the impromptu help, I thanked everyone, and people only nodded. It was like they did their bit, and it was over. The gentleman had put on his hat and pointed at a single seat opposite him.

Me: (Smiling and sitting down) Thank you so much. It is very kind of you to collect my fare. Please keep this 5€.

Gentleman: (smiling, speaking in German): Everyone has contributed, and I can’t take the money.

Though he spoke in German, I could understand what he said through his facial expressions, gestures, and demeanor. I insisted once more. The gentleman smiled sweetly and nodded his head to say no.

Gentleman: (gesturing) Keep it in your purse and use it later.

We continued the journey in silence, and he got down after a couple of stops as if he’d boarded the bus only to rescue me!! For a long time, I was overwhelmed by the kind deeds of the gentleman and the generosity of other travelers. Hats off to my messiah for the day in a foreign land. 😊


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

26 Responses

  1. Everyone needs a messiah and few wish to be messiah for others. Enriching experience to help others without expecting anything in return. The joy of giving goes wasted if you expect even a thank you. Great moment that you shared and I know you have many where you brought a smile to make someone’s day beautiful.

      1. Truly a guardian angel. It’s so well written that the whole scene stood in front of me including the balconies with flowering plants.

  2. Similar experience in Paris France in 1978 i cleverly got off only to spend time around the parks and a decent meal with wine with a acquaintance from Philippines and next few days were so very memorable

    1. International travel in 1978 itself is a big thing….!!! On top of that you had a similar instance is just mind- blowing. 🤩

  3. Such incidents make you believe that the almighty stands by you in some form or the other. Your good deeds return.
    Found it interesting.

  4. It’s comforting to see that even today, there are people who come like angels.
    I love how the blog is written—simple yet deeply touching.

  5. It’s so reassuring that someone is standing by you in tough times. Very nicely written hope each one of us finds one such person.

  6. Found it very interesting,you had your angel travelling with you…to make your journey and the day special.

  7. Very touching to see generosity from strangers.

    But you know that the last gentleman was really just saying that senorita yeh bade deshon me choti choti baatein hoti rehti hein. 😁

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