The Positive Diary

Masterpiece / Work in Progress


Yes absolutely! 


We are all surely a masterpiece and yet allowed to be work in progress.

Confused ? Read on …..


We are so contradictory…..

Hey! Are you like me ? Do you too have a number of contradictory thoughts in a day ? Keeps me wondering !

Also often our actions are not in sync with our principles . (For example lying might be considered a heroic act when done to protect someone , but in a relationship it may not be acceptable.)


Thus , you are as full of contradictions as I am.


There are so many times we are strong yet vulnerable at moments . In many aspects we are good while in others not interested or still learning . Simply to say, I am good at dance and just not interested in learning about the share market. A friend of mine respects private life and at the same time uploads personal photos on facebook . Perfect gainsaying !


Same goes for our dreams…. 

Many of our desires have been manifested yet there are a few to be achieved . We may have mastered the process of achieving the result of a particular desire while still working towards another one .



In some domains of life we seem sorted while in others always growing . Well , just like how I am exploring new levels of my body flexibility in my yoga class every single day . 


We make mistakes at times, foul up , louse up and totally screw-up . Real bummers yeah !

Think about it …. If we choose to use these as stepping stones and opportunities to learn and grow, then we are actually progressing and advancing as individuals.



Well when it comes to getting things organised at home i consider myself a master yet I feel like such a work in progress at times . I keep procrastinating small tasks and then feel stressed about completing the piled up load.  As a result everything around the deadline sets me off in irritation or anger . Now I could use this as a way to label myself as stupid and silly. Or I could be gentle with myself and take one action at a time and see what I can learn from it. Though it’s not easy and I’m not always successful, this does provide a chance to connect , re-connect , learn and grow.


Discover , accept and grow …. 

Each person in this world is both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time. All we need to do is have the ability to discover our own disaffirmances and accept them . Stop labelling our self and thus others . We need to pause and extend our circle of compassion to ourselves and to each person we meet . We need to remember that if not a master , a person may be work in progress.


And isn’t that what we each want? 

A little more understanding and kindness in life .


(Everytime i read this article , I felt I needed to reread and correct it. Well i accept this as my work in progress ! )



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

One Response

  1. Well said ….. never thought about it. But it’s so true!

    Love the P.S. at the end of the article!

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