The Positive Diary

Mahabharata - A new perspective!


The recent telecast of the epic The Mahabharata was quite an amazing watch. I am a superfan and a total Krishna lover but that’s not what i am going to write about here. This time I experienced a different perception, so thankful to beloved SRIGURU of SrmDelhi for unfolding The Bhagavad Gita so beautifully.

I believe all the mythological or the characters from these epics are symbolic to teach us bigger lessons than just ‘the moral of the story’.

Presenting a new perspective –

Assume the Kurukshetra to be our body. The Kauravas are our weaknesses or the villains namely anger, resentment, guilt, fear, sadness, ego, arrogance. The Pandavas are the strengths or the heroes namely courage, love, happiness, contentment, awe.

Now everyday is the war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas within. In every situation, who am I allowing to win, is the game. Well yes both are supposed to face each other, defend and attack. (It’s the inner talk that’s happening inside.) So acknowledging the presence of either is necessary. Then with knowledge of truth is the winner announced. Doesn’t this sound fun? Embrace the process and enjoy the game!

In love,

“I easily shift perception from fear to love.”



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Sound Travel!



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

14 Responses

  1. Hmmm….. A perspective. Ok.
    Didn’t agree to it though….
    😄 कधी कधी ओढून ताणून body, mind, soul शी equate करतात.
    ठीक आहे…. Each one’s perception.

  2. Meena hi.. firstly, to think in such a defferent way and putting it into “words” is a big deal ….this also represents your personality….You have “learned” Geeta in a very different prospective and related it so nicely with human personality has amazed me…… Meenal you are very “POSITIVE” and clean soul which impressive

  3. Every mythology has a msg .. Loved this one Meenal.. with a new perspective .. As actually Thrs so much inner work happening in mind ,body n soul .

    1. Thank you varsha for your love. Yes theres so much inner work ….. enjoy. Wish u loads of transformations n love .

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