The Positive Diary

Likes and dislikes (raga dwesha) 



Such simple words However most of us do not understand the true meaning of this and how it impacts our lives. Rather, how it RULES our lives!!!

The ancient words rather the true words are ‘raga and dwesha’ (attraction and aversion)

Where do these likes/ dislikes come from? Have you ever questioned this to yourself?

How does one’s opinion, beliefs, perceptions form?

We give utmost importance to our opinions, ideas and belief systems without questioning it or understanding it how have we come to a conclusion that these are really mine? Or society, parents, teachers, schools, books or other people gave it to us?!

So let’s question this to ourselves deeply and more importantly NOW as you read on! Ask the questions, wait and be patient for the answers, they will for sure come from within.

For eg. I like a particular breed of mango, say Alphonso ! And I enjoy only that one type and no other!

So today if u ask me, do u like mangoes?

my answer will be!

Yes I love them however only Alphonso! Rest are bad or good for nothing!

Now even if other types are good, I don’t want to try them. Because my whole life I have only eaten this one variety! This is my strong belief that only Alphonso is best hence I like it. Now how did it get this strong opinion get formed?!

Let’s say, I stayed in particular place in Maharashtra where only this variety was available and none of the others!

My parents and whole family only relished this type of mango and I have seen them believe the same thing since childhood! They kept saying the same thing again and again. hence I formed this liking too obviously and belief that only Alphonso is good.

Now I have moved to other city and state. Moved around the whole world where 10 varieties of mangoes were being offered however I refused it, because I believe in only one mango!

Now let’s take this example to a larger life! Like religion, god, rituals, life and things that we truly believe in since our inception! And we fight with the world to prove, sometimes our own people for that? Without questioning it ever where did this idea or perception came from?

Why should we question all this? Well what if I say liberation from suffering will come through your inner being if you truly and completely go beyond ur likes and dislikes!

Question your beliefs, ideas and all perceptions, atleast investigation is needed to understand from where I got all this?

What if ur likes and dislikes rule your lives, including the reactions you give to any situation or people. It almost takes the power away from you to respond!

As some of the masters have rightly said that the self realisation is not far from a person who has gone beyond attraction and aversion! Likes and dislikes. The whole path of spritual awakening is mostly to make urself empty of these ideas, opinions, limitation and likes/dislikes.

The whole drama in this world is due to raga and dwesha, one can never see things as they are or the TRUTH untill blinded by this.

Now shouldn’t I ask myself ” If I am ready to kill or fight for the beliefs I hold, shouldn’t they be truly from my own experience! ”

Please mark my words! My own experience and not from books, talks, schools, or any teachers or parents!


Written By

Jyoti Basantani

Jyoti Basantani

A spiritual seeker, solo traveller and an explorer who has unschooled herself from the clutches of corporate and mechanical life of 12 years. Also being in construction business for 4 years has taught me life is not about money, academic education, success and how much I own. However life is about living itself, how are you passing through life! Joyfully or with resentment and pain. That’s all there is!

4 Responses

  1. Simply awesome!! Explained in such a simple way – raga dwesha , something that can take a lifetime to be understood….

  2. Wow This is truly related to our Life… That example of mango is so me and you…. Even today I don’t like any other mango … No matter what but I still blv I love only one breed of mango no matter how much people convenience me to try another one… As you rightly said likes and dislikes rule our life. Love you sister

  3. Explained it in the simplest form. I was able to relate it to things and situations in my life while I was reading through it

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