The Positive Diary

Letter to my boys Jiyaan and Divit -2

Guest Author:Megha


What is the most powerful thing in the Universe?


Yes, you read it right. Being born as a human is powerful and that too a brainy human is very fascinating. But the real fascination is how you use it because every Tom, Dick and Harry has what Jiyaan and Divit has. What will set you apart is how you utilise your brain power.

First, you have to realize that you have to feed it well. To keep your body healthy and be a good football player, your Sir has asked you to eat healthy. Similarly to keep your mind healthy you have to feed it with healthy positive thoughts, good intentions, laughter, beauty. The healthy food of your mind will help you in having happy pleasurable experiences.

For a healthy body you are asked to exercise. Using your mind to to think, to make plans is the exercise for your mind. The more you move your body, the more active you are, the healthier you are. Engaging your mind in problem solving, mathematics, logics and more are the exercises that ensure healthy mind.

Did you notice how your mind and body are related. If one is fit and healthy, the other is also the same. It’s like your mind is representing your body, which together makes You. 

Your mind being the powerful one, tells you to do everything you want, drink water eat and watch screen. That is the direction it shows you because you have been enjoying it, you feel it pleasurable so it feels the pleasure. Now, it’s time to train your mind the discipline to do your work, to do tiny bit of effort everyday towards your goal, purpose, success. You train it in the right direction, it shows you the right direction.

                 Your mind will always believe everything you tell it.

                 Feed it hope.

                 Feed it truth.

                 Feed it with love.


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