The Positive Diary

Letter to my boys Jiyaan and Divit....

Guest Author:Megha Joshi


My boys, I have a small secret to tell you. Actually, it is small in size but very big if you really follow it. Because that will help you decide for yourself how you want to lead your life.

Do you know, how the World is going to treat you ?
The way you are going to treat yourself, with LOVE. Because, this is going to be the foundation of your existence in this Universe. If you are filled with love, you will be able to give love to others. Always treat your youngers with extreme love and understanding. And the elders the respect you treat yourself to. It is an Universal law, that what you give comes back to you because the Earth is round.

You can only give what you are filled with. When you perceive everything with love, everything becomes beautiful. God has only one language and one emotion and that is love. He creates with love and also destroys in order to create the new with love. Love has infinite possibilities. You can say that it is an Universal language, because it is common and one link between all the creations of God, humans, animals, nature….

How you keep your favourite shoes with love taking utmost care of it. How Divit collects transformer toys because of his love for transformers. This makes it beautiful, inspires you to take care of it and also deepening your bond with it. Thus, love strengthens your bond with yourself, people around, nature around.

Quoting Rumi, “Love is a the soul of the soul of the soul of the Universe. Love is the alchemy of transformations. Love is the magic of changes. Love is the power. Love is the life-giving garden of this world.”


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