The Positive Diary

Investment Lessons from Mahabharata


1️⃣ Be focused on your investment goals like Arjuna (during the archery training, he saw only the eye of the bird on the tree).
Make disciplined investments.

2️⃣ Do not be a Yudhisthir, who bet his family in a game with Kauravas because of his emotions.
Emotions can lead to poor investment decisions.

3️⃣ Avoid Abhimanyu’s mistake of not having an exit strategy. While he successfully entered the Chakravyuh, he lost his life in it.
Invest steadily but plan your exit.

4️⃣ Do not be complacent like Duryodhan about having stalwarts like Dronacharya, Karna, Bhishma on your side.
Overconfidence stemming from past performance can be harmful.

5️⃣ Recall what was rewarded better? Size of the army or the wisdom & advice of the leader Krishna?
Portfolios without a strategy and advisor are doomed to fail.


Written By

Vishal Parakh, CFP

Vishal Parakh, CFP

I am a Certified Financial Planner (CFPCM) who is on a mission of spreading awareness on Financial Planning. I have been successfully running an advisory firm Plan Dreams Financial Solutions. We help families to live their dreams by having a Financial Plan for themselves. Thus we live up to our tagline - "We keep ourselves up to make your dreams come true".

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