The Positive Diary

Inspiring 15-Year-Old Swims Manhattan for Cancer Fundraiser


A 15-year-old native of California has accomplished an impressive feat by completing a 28.5-mile swim around Manhattan to support a noble cause.

Maya Merhige, a high school junior, journeyed to New York City for the 20 Bridges Swim event, where she swam around Manhattan to raise funds for cancer research through Swim Across America. Her remarkable swim, as reported by ABC-7, lasted for eight hours and 43 minutes. This endeavor is just one among the many that Maya has undertaken over the past eight years, collectively raising over $60,000 for the non-profit organization.

In an interview with a news outlet, Maya shared her driving motivation: “Whatever I’m doing in my swimming, or whatever pain I go through in my swims, it’s really nothing compared to the struggle that cancer families go through. And that really pushes me to keep going forward.”

The 20 Bridges Swim, known for taking participants beneath 20 bridges and across three rivers, presented an enjoyable challenge for Maya. She expressed her appreciation for the experience, stating, “I really like the challenge of it. I got to see all of the Manhattan skyline from the water at night, which is something I think not a lot of people can say. So I had a really fun time with that and it was beautiful.”

Maya’s accomplishment is noteworthy, as only two other 15-year-olds have managed to complete this ambitious swim around Manhattan, according to Swim Across America.

In an online interview with the organization, Maya conveyed her motivation: “I swim for each and every single person that has ever been touched by cancer. Whether it’s for a patient, a doctor, a family member, or a friend, I swim for them all.” Her commitment to this marathon swim was further fueled by the loss of a family friend.

She explained, “Sam Hallward, a family friend of mine, passed away from brain cancer (DIPG) in December 2022 at the age of 12. He was one of the most outgoing and adventurous kids I knew, and I just know that he would have loved to be in all of the awesome places that I get to go while swimming.”

Maya’s personal encounter with a medical scare also drives her determination. “I’m one of the lucky ones,” she shared with the organization. “The grapefruit-size tumor was benign and with the exception of a massive scar across my stomach, I will be okay. This brief, but terrifying experience, gave me and my family a small taste of what others go through when confronted with a terrifying medical situation. It gave me even greater respect for what people with cancer experience and made me even more committed to this effort.”




Written By

pooja chavan

pooja chavan

"Hello, I'm Pooja, on a mission to spread positivity wherever I go. Join me on the journey as we uncover the bright side of life together here at Positive Diary." journey that celebrates the art of living vibrantly.

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