The Positive Diary

Ignite Creativity Within …..


“Creativity is Intelligence having FUN.”

We are all born intelligent. But when we start having FUN with the intelligence we have, CREATIVITY is born.

Creativity can also be defined by “the ability to generate multiple solutions to a problem”.

Problems are part of our day to day challenges.

Some of us give up and say “Jaane Do”.

But many say “Mai Hoon Na”.

The person who can generate more solutions to the problem is undoubtedly more creative.

Can creativity be learnt? … That is, can I improve my ability to generate more solutions..

Yes of course… The best part is Creativity is a Skill and hence can be Learnt.

There are many simple techniques if followed and practiced regularly, we can be the best problem solver. Here are 4 simple techniques that will help everyone become more Creative.

Sirf 10 Minutes…

If you are at peace within, only then you can be at peace with the outside world. And the practice of Mediation is the most effective and proven way to get the much needed peace.  10 minutes of meditation can help you bring out the best in you. So do practice.

Be a Child…

Think and do all the things that you loved to do as a child, which may be drawing, singing, playing or even sleeping.  Creativity is enhances if one is able to activate one’s right brain faster. But in reality what happens is as we grow and fall in the rat race of finding only one answer to the question, the RIGHT BRAIN IS LEFT BEHIND. So in order to enhance our creativity, let’s invest some time every day in becoming a child.

Let’s Think Different…

CTRL V and CTRL C is for most of us the safest way to move ahead. But if we want to enhance our creative ability it is important to add one’s own TADKA, own intelligence / idea to execute the task in different way. Start doing simple tasks like walking backwards, or writing with the non-dominant hand or taking a different route to your office. Different way or the OUT OF BOX way of thinking can give mind-blowing solutions.

Observe and Capture…

The diversity around us teaches us a lot provided we are aware of it. If we are slightly more observant of things, events, advertisements, sales campaigns etc. happening around us, we can increase our creative ability multifold. So use your smart phone to write and capture anything and everything which is different and hatke..

Apart from that, there are various other techniques to train our mind to do both convergent and divergent thinking. Ex SCAMPER, Similarities and Dissimilarities, Challenging the Assumptions, Finding Alternative uses, WOW experience formula etc.

As creativity will soon become the most must have skill for each one of us, let us resolve to live a life wherein we remind ourselves to do something new, something different each and every time.

Let’s live by these slogans…




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