The Positive Diary

If You Can't Go Outside- Go Inside.




If You Can’t Go Outside- Go Inside.” This is the most famous line going on these days on media; which eventually gave a thought of going within self in this isolation time. Some of us meditate as well. But when a human tries to go within self he finds himself entangled with few mystic words. Words like life and death, Karma(deeds) and Dharma(religion), creation and creator, nature and evolution or humans and God.

Something similar happened with me and even I got stuck with two words namely “creator” and its “creation”. As per the religious beliefs we all have agreed that the existence is Creation of the Creator. Or how there can be any existence without being created by someone? This becomes the reasoning for all the religions, who name the Creator as God.

When you accept this reason then there arises a question, who created the creator or God? This leads the being falling in the vicious circle. But the other idea for the same is if the God can be created without any creator then this factor itself answers many doubts. Doubts that something can be created without any creator. We principally accept that something can be there without being created or without being created by any creator. this implies that even existences can be existing without being created.


Like for example, God C was created by God B and God B was created by God A. No one knows how God A was created and the theology claims that God A is self existing. So for God A, the principal shifts from creation to self existence in all the religions. And hence principally the theology accepts the logic of Self existence for something. Then arises the Question of why any creation would need a creator if something can self exists or exists without being created. The entire creation can be self existing and every existence can be self existence.


If this universe does not need a creator or its not a creation of something then the entire theory of creation of universe by Gods goes for the toes,and the word creation gets replaced by self existence or the Theory of Creation becomes Theory of Evolution where nothing is created but everything simply evolves with time.Does that imply there is no God?? Is it the biggest lie ever created by mankind, as it fear death or wants to run away from his responsibility. A child is grown by father and mother and his childhood which is with no responsibility gets projected into his youth where he tends to give all his problem to god.

Another principal aspect of self existence is if everything can self exists like God A, then everything can be called as God like animals, humans and all objects and subjects can be termed as God, which cannot be the case. This further implies that the word god cannot be a noun but an adjective or quality. The moment we take the meaning of God as noun we kill it, we tend to stop its growth. Nouns don’t grow only adjectives and qualities grow.

So after this thought within me, I ask all of you the unrevealed science of God’s self existence. Or does the universe is actually an evolution with religion being a myth.

Akshay Kothari :-Silence Spoken.


Written By

Akshay Kothari

Akshay Kothari

A Sailor by heart always who likes to sail his ships without any compass and still wants to find the direction of the light house in an infinite ocean of knowledge. Myname is Akshay Kothari, and I am simply speaking my mind without minding what I speak. I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only curious.

2 Responses

  1. This is so well said! Rather than thinking about pleasing the creator, one should rather focus on evolving oneself and love life!

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