The Positive Diary

I Believe in You!


Home , children, office, cooking, projects, submissions, family, deadlines, loan…. and ofcourse a holiday…, money, responsibilities, ….. woahhhh !

Have you felt this pressure or rather been overwhelmed with a lot to do or a lot in mind. 

Yes for all of you who are anxious right now in your life, i just want you to know, you are enough and powerful. And you will get through this .

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to step back from everything that’s making you feel anxious.

Give yourself permission to unplug without any guilt and then reconnect. Remember to be kind to yourself. It’s okay.

Take care of yourself first . Fuel up yourself with Self Care

Most importantly, remember when you feel overwhelmed, you are not weak. When you feel like giving up, you are not weak.

 The struggle is temporary. You are forever. And I believe in you completely.

For me some of these steps really help cope up, reconnect and rejuvenate my inner self.

  • Grounding:

Sit up straight and put your feet on the floor. Without footwear for more benefit and on soil even better. Breathe and just let go. Focus on things you can see. Focus on things you can hear. Now focus on things you can feel . Next smell and then taste. This mindfulness exercise brings you to the present , calms your mind.

  • Breathing:

Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Get your attention to your breath. Inhale through your nose a cool calming breath . Now breathe out through your mouth imagining all anxiety rushing out. With every deep breath loosen up and let go.

  • Get out ! :

Yes, getting outdoors works magical. Just go out, open your arms and feel the breeze. Look at the sky, clouds. Just breathe in fresh air. Connect with nature.

  • Shower:

Sounds trivial, but I love this. If possible get into a shower. As the water flows over you, imagine it calming you and making you feel more relaxed.

And along with these affirmations as usual are super miraculous.

Affirmations for anxiety:

Pause and breathe….

Read these affirmations in your mind or aloud as often as you like.

I release the need to control.

I am safe.

I am loved and protected.

I am stronger than my anxiety.

I let go of what I cannot change and control.

I attract positive, helpful and honest people in my life .

I attract positive experiences in my life.

My life is easy .

I am in flow with life.

Everything I need is within me.

My mind is calm.

My body is relaxed.

I feel good.

I choose to focus on what makes me happy.

I release doubt and welcome faith.

I am confident.

I am a magnet to all the good things in the world.

All is well in my world.

I am divinely guided, protected and supported. 

I am perfect, whole and complete.

Some more simple stuff that help my anxiety busting are dressing up, wearing a good gym wear and going for a walk, talking to some friend and giggling over silly gossips, simply back counting, box breathing.

Anything that makes you feel good is important to visit right now. It could be anything from my lists or anything that resonates with you. Your well being is most important.

I believe in you ! 

You are powerful !

Smile and Feel your power !


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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