Yoga has been a routine for me for the last about twenty years now. To clarify – I am not that old; just that I started early 😉 I usually do the Iyenger Yoga, which is done with various props like – rope, belt, brick, bolster, etc.
Last week we were at our Iyenger Yoga class, which we take three days in a week. That day it was – Arpita, my sister-in-law Divya and Me in the class. After completing our first step of stretches, we got ready for Step Two.
We tied the rope on our waist and Atul Sir instructed us to stretch our hands, turn them inwards facing each other with all fingers together, raise the heels onto our toes in ‘Tadasana’ pose. He repeated the instructions two times. I stayed still. My mind wondered, “For whom does he have to repeat it three times?” I glanced at him and he had a smirk on his face.
The next moment I heard Arpita’s irritated voice, “Amit! You can also be wrong. Are you thinking that you are always doing right pose and others need instructions three times!” Arpita, Divya and Atul Sir burst into laughter. Only then I realized that I was the person who needed adjustment and not someone else.
I know you must be smiling at this incident. Think of it – I am sure you too would have gone through a similar incident. Where you thought that the instruction/ fault is someone else’s and not yours. Only to realize a few minutes later that actually it was meant for you and not others.
It seems a common trait that when someone makes a comment for a group, I feel that it is not for me, but for others who are listening. I feel I am perfect and the instruction can’t be for me. When I get back in my senses do I realise that the comment was as apt for me as for others. It is me who needs to buck up and improve.
I need to start looking inward, than outward. Instead of blaming the world, parents, friends, school, boss, spouse, family, etc, for everything that is not okay in life, I need to look inwards. I need to tell myself that – yes I am in this situation. What can I do about it? How can I resolve the issue at hand? Complaining and blaming isn’t going to help one bit.
My take-away from the Yoga Session was – instead of looking outward and complaining, it is better to look inwards and focus on finding a solution!
#Yoga #Tadasana #inside #outside #resolve #solution #complain