The Positive Diary

how i navigate


Looking at the sea with a cup of tea from my hotel room in Pondicherry, I write this blog.

The waves of the sea give me super inspiration.  I observe the variety of waves as I sip my tea. Some waves are strong big and fast while some are peaceful and joyful as if dancing away softly.


Simply put, some waves are easy and flowing while others are challenging, just like the waves of our life. The moment we try to swim against the current we get exhausted and overwhelmed. But when we connect with the flow of the water there is a sense of flowing ease.


Soon I shift into retrospecting as I get comfortable on the couch. ( I guess it’s common while you gaze at the water. I remember my cousins’ dialogue, who lives in a beautiful sea-face apartment in Mumbai, ” it’s depressing to look at the water every day.” )

In retrospection I realized, so many times I get caught up in the idea of controlling my life, thus getting exhausted. It is in these moments by the water I realize I need to let myself flow with the flow of life. The truth is that we cannot control everything that happens to us. As I embrace this truth of the unknown and trust that all that is happening and that will happen is for a reason, I see myself open to acceptance and thus new experiences.


Well, another important truth of our life is our breath. This is one thing that is there from our beginning in this human form to its end. Have you noticed, when we are sad and depressed, what changes? Our breath.

When we are happy, what changes? Our breath.

When we are scared, what changes? Our breath.

Every emotion is so connected to our breath. So if we learn to navigate our breath, we can navigate any situation.


I love the way this blog navigated from the water to my breath.


I invite you to a quick breathwork practise to navigate you from your present situation. May you open up to new dimensions new perspectives after these few seconds.




Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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