The Positive Diary

Heartwarming Act: Students Come Together to Help Teacher's Family


In an incredible show of compassion and unity, students at Arcadia High School in Phoenix, AZ, rallied together to support their beloved teacher, Mr. Guy, in covering the costs of his wife’s critical heart surgery. Mr. Guy, who has been a government and economics teacher at the school since 2004, had been noticeably stressed, and eventually confided in his students about his wife Angel’s health condition.

Angel needed open-heart surgery due to chest pains, and the students discovered that the procedure was financially burdensome, even with insurance. Determined to help, Parker Bond and several other students launched a fundraiser to assist the couple.

The students’ efforts bore fruit, as the fundraiser successfully reached its $10,000 goal on July 29. Donors, both large and small, showed their appreciation for Mr. Guy’s impact on his students and the community, exemplifying the deep connection he had with those he taught.

Former students also expressed their gratitude for Mr. Guy’s kindness and dedication. Jamie Paceley, a former student from the class of 2015, shared her appreciation for the positive influence he had on her life. Kathleen Mccollister, another former student, reminisced about Mr. Guy’s compassionate and accepting nature.

This heartwarming story highlights the power of empathy and support within a school community, demonstrating how a teacher’s influence can extend far beyond the classroom.




Written By

pooja chavan

pooja chavan

"Hello, I'm Pooja, on a mission to spread positivity wherever I go. Join me on the journey as we uncover the bright side of life together here at Positive Diary." journey that celebrates the art of living vibrantly.

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