The Positive Diary

Gratitude Journaling

Have you been thinking about starting a gratitude journal and how you could get on the journaling train? Let me share my learnings about a gratitude diary and walk you through the process. Hop on buddy !


Gratefulness …..

No matter how difficult life feels, there is always something to feel grateful for.

So to begin, you need to simply write down (or type ) the things you are grateful for on a daily basis. You can use a journal, diary, notebook or just a piece of paper. If you are a tech-savvy, simply use word documents or google docs or anywhere you find it simple, convenient and accessible.

Simple Guidelines :

Can you think about and note down

  • People in your life that you’re grateful for,
  • Skills you are thankful to have ,
  • Body parts that you’re grateful for ,
  • Materialistic stuff that you are grateful for,
  • Music, yoga or gym, some favourite practise you’re thankful for,
  • Food you are thankful for,
  • Elements of nature that you are grateful for,
  • Memories that you are thankful for or new learnings you are grateful for.

Trust me the list can go on so long. Just look around and you’d wonder how you missed  observing so much life offered . Anything to everything, there’s so much to be thankful for. Whether it’s your first accomplishment of a headstand or mastering tying your shoelace, feel gratitude and journal.

Plan to write in your gratitude journal every day or at night whenever it feels good. Set a daily fixed time preferably. Setting an alarm reminder on your phone could really help.

Personally for me writing at night works well as I can include things that I am grateful for from the day. Thus I keep my gratitude diary by my bedside so I see it before going to sleep and remember to jot down my thankfulness.

Your gratitude list can be as simple as “family” or “a movie you recently enjoyed” or “being thankful to have a pillow to rest your head on every night”.

It only takes a few minutes but can give you a lasting mood boost from feeling okay to feeling really nice and sometimes even getting you a smile. Your attention shifts to what you have rather than what you don’t. You start to recognise the abundance all around.

Wishing you an amazing blissful experience, expressing gratitude,

“I am so grateful for this opportunity to share my learnings with you .”





Benefits of a Daily Gratitude Practice

Cultivate A Daily Habit

Setting Intentions




Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

5 Responses

  1. I have started reading your posts again. It always gives positive energy. Thank you for sharing such wonderful thoughts !

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