The Positive Diary



It was a regular Monday morning after a long weekend of 15th August; time was around 7.45am. I was doing my exercises in our family (common) room, Arpita in our room and so were my parents, who have been exercising most consistently and religiously every morning ever since the coronavirus has hit the world. (Before that, they were going for Yoga class for almost 10 years!)

At that moment, my brother, Ankur, walked out of his room with the youngest member of our family – Iyana. She was up early today, since 6am to be precise, and was just not ready to go back to sleep. She dragged Ankur to the ground floor wanting to see her favourite cat. As she walked down, however, she saw another of her favourite – her grandparents! Her excitement knew no bounds and she jumped towards her grandmom. Granny being a granny, abandoned her exercises, something that is so dear to her, and started playing with Iyana.

Though physically I was still exercising, my mind went back to when Anay-Aavya were younger than now. They too demanded attention from their grandparents, especially when they were doing something else like – exercising, talking on the phone, eating, chatting with friends/relatives, resting, and other things. The twins didn’t care; they just wanted the grandparents’ attention! And attend they did! In these four years, I have never seen the grandparents frown or sulk that they had to leave what they are doing and pay attention to the kids. They happily just switched. In fact I should say – they excitedly switched!

The world is moving towards more nuclear families. After turning eighteen or getting married, kids no longer stay with their parents. They say that they feel constricted or that they do not get their space. But looking at the situation at my home, I feel that the role of grandparents can just not be discounted. Their role is so important and so huge!

  • Their experience of raising kids is of immense help when we don’t know what to do when kids are not feeling okay
  • After seeing so much life, they can guide us about the dos and don’ts of raising children
  • They are a huge moral support, especially to the ‘just become mother’
  • They instill lovely values in the kids
  • They pass on the culture to their grandchildren, which we as parents definitely cannot
  • Their storytelling sessions get kids glued to them
  • The patience with which they can feed the kids is beyond comprehension
  • Their energy gets doubled when they have to take care of the kids. The kids learn that and become more energetic
  • They will always pass positive and healthy vibes to the kids, irrespective of how much tantrum the kid will throw. That is something that will never be available in the outside world
  • They will shower the kid with love, blessings, and good thoughts


I feel that GRAND-Parenting is as important for today’s generation as parenting is. What the grandparents can give, we can never imagine giving as a parent. Yes, even they have some limitations and things that we may not like. But hey, don’t we have limitations, too? Even they might not like some of the things that we do. But they do put up with us, don’t they?!. And so should we. When we learn to co-exist with our elders, today’s generation will learn too. They learn by watching us, and not just by listening to us.

A few of us live in different cities than our parents. Make a visit to them with kids once a year. Stay for a couple of weeks. Some of us might be staying in separate houses in the same city; stay together for weekends or on some holidays. Even if you miss out on friends, it’s okay. But grandchildren and grandparents must stay together. (Here, grandparents are not just husband’s parents, but also wife’s parents). In case your parents are no more, tell your kids stories about them. They get mesmerised.

Keep your personal issues (if any) aside and bond with your parents for your kids. The kids will only love you for giving them an experience of staying with their grandparents. PARENTING IS NOT ABOUT YOU, BUT ABOUT YOUR KIDS! I can vouch for this bonding in spite of not knowing your parents or your kids! 


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I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

14 Responses

  1. Very well said,
    We search what we missed ,
    Those time was only about house work ,with that too we learnt so much
    Now kids become priority ,
    We have that time for them,
    We get to learn n become kids with them,
    Great 👍👌

    1. Thank You.
      You’re so right – Becoming a kid with them is a joy, but a challenge worth every bit! I am sure it’s exciting to invest time with them! With a granny like you, the kids will pick great things …

  2. Yes ,very true,indeed grandparents do grand parenting.
    My kids Saiyam and Ritika have been blessed by them and am sure in their absence the values and habits would not have been so very deep .
    Grandparents also like to be a little naught with them eg.My father would take Saiyam out for a ride and both would enjoy an ice-cream or Shake prohibited by my brother.
    Taking them for an outing every Sunday was a routine which we as parents something would avoid nor be lazy upon.
    Indeed grand parenting is grand.

    1. Indeed Saiyam and Ritika are blessed.
      One school of thought is – Grandparents spoil the kids. But I think – they just pamper the kids in the ways they can!

  3. Cannot agree more Amit, seen you guys for so many years now, your commitment to coexist has been great! And the fruits are well yeilded and harnessed by kids..ITS ALL ABOUT KIDS! I AGREE….and their bond with grandparents is special, essential and absolutely unconditional.

  4. I totally agree with you Amit. Actually i think our parents try to find our childhood in our children and enjoy the same…

    1. Yes Didi. You are absolutely right! Maybe they give more to our children than they gave us! Hahahahha

  5. Very true Amit I agree with you I couldn’t imagine to raise my kids without grandparenting well written

  6. So so true!! Dada dadi and nana nani are superheroes for their grandchildren and I can say so because they are for me too. They have spoilt me in ways unknown but they have also become more strict than my parents when they needed to be. I can vaguely recall when I was a kid(well I still am for my grandparents) as soon as I heard my grandfather’s scooter at the gate in the afternoon when he would come home for his lunch I would go running to him and sit on his scooter and wouldn’t allow him to enter the house without buying me a chocolate from a nearby store and he would.. without even complaining once about how tired he was or hungry he was..all four of my grandparents have put our wishes before their needs…they have taught me value of relations, value of be a good person to everyone even when sometimes others are keep a good and strong character..and so much more that I can’t even describe..and all I can say is that I wish I have a part of all of them in me as I grow up 🙂

    1. Thanks for a heartfelt comment Saniya. It just shows the impact grandparents can have on their grandchildren.
      I am glad you posted a comment as a grandchild!

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