The Positive Diary

Flustered in Amsterdam

I returned from Munich to Amsterdam to meet my friends and travel back to India with them the next day. I was in transit the whole day, with one big check-in bag, a cabin bag, a haversack, and a sling bag with my passport tickets, etc. I had to take a bus from Schiphol bus depot to XYZ place (I forgot the name). All the research about connecting buses went for a toss at the bus depot. I discovered the bus I needed to reach point XYZ did not run on Friday afternoons. That was a bummer! ☹

I caught the eye of another bus driver, approached him, and told him my plight. He heard me out and suggested that he’d drop me at a point from where I’d have to take a tram to reach my destination. Grateful for the suggestion, I hopped onto the bus. 😊

I dismounted the bus and boarded the connecting tram at the given point. I bought a ticket and requested the tram driver to tell me when my stop arrived. He agreed. Uncomfortable at the long ride, I went up to him. He looked at me and apologized for forgetting my stop. He stopped in the middle of nowhere.

Tram driver: Get down now. Take the tram from the opposite platform to reach your destination. Use the same ticket. I’m sorry I forgot to drop you at your stop.

Tensed, I got down. There was not a soul in sight. I saw a tram at a distance coming from the opposite side. I kept watching it.

Tram driver – Go, cross through the tracks, and wait on the opposite platform.

Me: Wait a tram is coming.

Tram driver: That’s the tram you need to board. Go quickly. I’ve informed the driver to pick you up.

Flustered, I took my bags trying to walk quickly through the tracks. I reached the platform and the tram pulled up alongside. Afraid I’d miss the tram I tried to walk fast pulling two bags. Just as luck would have it, the wheel of one bag got locked and I fell flat on my face. Hurt and dazed I pulled myself up together and sat in the tram. I was feeling embarrassed and awkward. 🤦‍♀️

The tram driver_2 had seen me fall. He gave me time to settle down and asked me to sip water. He asked if I was OK and ready to go. I gave him a thumbs up. My face was flushed, and my knees and elbows were bruised.

Soon, the tram driver announced my stop name and ensured I got down. I went to the driver and thanked him for his patience and sensitive kindness. The tram driver instructed me to reach the bus stop on the other side. He told me the tall structure near me was an elevator with a connecting flight of steps on the other side. I summarized his instructions; he approved it and left. 

I took a deep breath, used the elevator, and walked down the stairs on the other side only to see empty roads. There was no “bus stop”. I saw a stone bench and walked towards it. The place was quiet and a little eerie (uncanny). I tried calling my friends to inform them I’d reached the pre-decided bus stop. However, they were out of reach and I hoped to be at the right place. I observed the road, the trees, and the plants. At that moment I felt alone. 🥺

After 10 long minutes, a young teenager arrived and I was reassured that I was at the right place. I spoke with him more out of relief. Soon my friends arrived, and we took a bus to the hotel.

Phew, what a day! It was filled with emotions and drama enough to cover my entire trip. Thankfully, angels saved me in the nick of time!!  😇


Written By

Sneha Khanwelkar

Sneha Khanwelkar

Living life sprinkled with laughter and a child-like spontaneity. I'm enamored with the beauty of life and it creates a positive aura/vibe around me.

28 Responses

  1. Such days happen where everything you decide goes for a toss and new scenarios come up ….somehow things settle down and we are back on track…these are times when we realise there is someone above watching us , testing us and helping through some people he sends or arranges

  2. Oops what a day you had!!!. But by God’s grace and cooperative tram driver you reached safely….
    Can imagine all the scene… Beautifully penned.
    I am showing all your posts to my daughter for apt words used.

  3. Beautifully described. I felt as if the incident is happening in front of me. The way you hv knitted the words and the flow is magical.

  4. Through out your artical only one thing I was thank Sneha,
    How many people were there in that country traveling with big check in bag,cabin bag,haversack and a sling bag change bus and tram…
    Aren’t you super solo traveler…?

    Now you are.

    1. Hey! You missed the point. I was in transit that’s what I was highlighting. 🙂 The luggage only added to the chaos! You saw me only during daily outings!!

  5. Phew what a roller coaster ride that too in a foreign country .kudos to your patience and presence of mind

  6. An adventurous journey in an unknown world. I admire your patience and courage to carry on with your journey to the desired destination even after a fall.

    1. Yeah…. quite an adventure. It was such a isolated place and I was scared the tram would go away without me. 🥺 That’s where the driver is an angel…. patient n caring.

  7. A thrilling experience,i could visualise the entire episode.You have described it so well….could relate to all your emotions during that short period of adventure.

  8. Murphy’s law is what struck me, while reading your experience.
    The happenings stood in front of my eyes. Glad that you sailed through it!

    1. Murphy’s law was the last on my mind. Ha, Ha, Ha..! The angels around me helped me sail through.

  9. Interesting… Seems that kindness is a lifestyle for majority of the people on the roads in countries apart from India…

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