The Positive Diary

Feel Your Feelings !



“It is very interesting to know how you live? Meaning, how are you so positive and smiling always?”

Trust me, these questions were a little scary assuming someone is trolling my life! Hahaha …..!


It is a big myth that a person writing about positivity needs to be very positive all the time. Let me tell you something, our every feeling is meant to teach us and guide us. All the good ones and the not so good ones too. Infact, our feelings are relative to our own experiences. Something may make me happy while the same thing could make someone else sad.


Also, you cannot and should not avoid the actual emotion and always pretend to be happy. Like I have mentioned in my previous blogs too, it is okay to feel the way you do. It is absolutely okay to feel sad, anxious or low when you do. 



This is very important because it helps us understand the root cause of our feelings and this actually empowers us to move forward and address the issue in a logical systematic way. We are so used to ignoring our feelings and distracting ourselves, that the feelings can get ignored and then these patterns keep repeating. Feelings also get stored in our body and can take the momentum of diseases and mental illness, if ignored. 



What is important is to be aware of what you are feeling, the way you are feeling, where did the feeling start, what caused it and make a choice of how much energy and time you want to direct towards it. 

You can fully feel your feelings, without getting affected by it for long. Make your choice, whether you want to play in that ruckus or move on?

There are always going to be good things, people, words, situations, etc and there are always going to be the not so good things, people, words,situations,  etc.

But what is in your control? All of these! 

Start paying attention to these:

  • How does it affect you? Physically or mentally?
  • How much does it affect you? Minutes, hours, days, weeks, years?
  • What is your response? Not reaction!

Are you responding with a calm mind (responding) or are you just reacting and speaking things out of emotion?

  • The choices made thereafter depending on your response or reaction and the consequences you face because of these decisions 

Once you feel better you could introspect only if you wish to know and investigate why the emotion arose and if it does again, how will you or can you choose to respond differently the next time? This is called self reflection, self inquiry or self investigation! This is how we go within and navigate within our own minds and understand the subtle working of it. 

Yes, you become your own scientist! How fun is that!


I, myself, have low and emotional days too.  I get angry when my son’s screen time goes overboard. I don’t like to be around people who are always cribbing. I am no saint either. 

I call my friends when I am low or grab a 5 Star chocolate. l do lose my temper as well on my son but then I do make up by saying sorry and explaining to him the effects of prolonged screen time . And when people get cranky, I sometimes ignore them🙈. Lol. 

Talking to Krishna or Lord Simandhar pacifies me, gives me clarity instantly and makes me feel loved, and heard. This is my way of prayer and meditation as well. 

Also writing a gratitude note and affirmations help me shift my feelings. Journaling always helps put down the pent up emotions on to the paper and out of my system and no burning my emotional RAM unnecessarily.

The point I am trying to make is that there is no right or wrong way. 

You can find your ways to shift your moods from not so okay to okay, without hurting anyone intentionally in the process. Take your time but be mindful about it.

Basically any tool you use , make a choice to stay in the negativity and continue being grumpy and or switch on your self inquiry mode and work on a solution instead of talking about the problem again and again!

Oh, and about my smiling face, I was born that way 😊 and i do whatever it takes to keep that mode on, of course mindfully 😊









Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

2 Responses

  1. Hi meenal,
    Ur blog has enforced positive vibes in me.
    I totally went on to the self reflection mode by your sentence, that a person writing on positivity need not be positive all the time😊
    I am fond of writing too on few life skill topics that I develop through personal experience

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