The Positive Diary




Generally, people with faith experience miraculous manifestations!


Have you ever wondered HOW?


My favorite, Sadhguru has explained this so well in one of his speeches. 


Let me share it here….


“Let me explain with the help of an example, say you wish for a house. You start thinking about it. It may cost you fifty lakh rupees. Right now you may have just fifty rupees in your pocket. Thus you may say to yourself that the house is not possible.  


In one moment where you affirmed for something, the very next moment you created doubt. This is as good as saying “I don’t want it.”  This conflict may not at times make it happen.


Whereas a person in faith may go to some temple, guru, or address the universe or some energy and say, “Lord, I want a house. I don’t know how but you make it possible.” In this person’s mind, there is no negative thought like “Will my house happen or not” or “Is it possible or not?”


Childlike faith is immensely powerful. He or she simply believes that it will happen. There is no room for doubt at all. There is just a strong feeling or intuition as if you are assuring yourself, “I know it’s gonna happen!”  


Actually, every thought is a vibration! If you create a powerful thought and let it out into the universe, it will manifest!


It’s up to YOU now as to what kind of energy do you want to manifest for yourself and for others around you!


Think of faith as a means to remove all negativities in and around you!


Keep unwavering faith, experience miracles, and vibrate higher! 



Thank you for my intuition

Thank you for trust

Thank you for miracles in my life



Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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