The Positive Diary

Facial Mishap


A Bittersweet Lesson :

We’ve all had those moments where we eagerly anticipate a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, only to be met with unexpected outcomes. Such was the case for me when I visited a dermatologist center opened by a dear friend. Little did I know that what started as a happy treatment suggestion would end up leaving me with a marked experience that triggered a deeper journey of self-discovery during my vacation.

The Anticipation :

With a vacation on the horizon, I decided to heed my friend’s advice and pay a visit to her newly established dermatology center. A facial treatment seemed like the perfect way to pamper myself and ensure I looked my best during my upcoming holiday. Eagerly, I entered the center with high hopes and a sense of excitement.

The Unexpected Outcome :

As I left the center after the facial, my initial happiness was quickly replaced by concern as I noticed the multitude of marks left on my face. What was meant to enhance my appearance ended up causing visible skin marks that left me feeling self-conscious and uneasy. Throughout my vacation, I found myself constantly aware of these scars, struggling to fully enjoy the experiences around me.

Reflections and Lessons :

It’s often said that challenges and setbacks are opportunities in disguise, and this experience was no exception. As I spent my holiday grappling with my newfound self-consciousness, I began to ponder on the lessons hidden within this unexpected turn of events.

• Humbling the Ego: The most apparent lesson was a humbling of the ego. Before this incident, I had taken my appearance for granted and had a certain level of confidence in my skin’s appearance. However, the sudden change forced me to confront my ego-driven attachment to my physical appearance and learn to embrace vulnerability.

• Uncovering Hidden Skills: As I navigated through the vacation with my self-esteem somewhat shaken, I discovered an unexpected silver lining. With my focus shifted away from my physical appearance, I began to pay more attention to my other skills and qualities. Engaging in activities that were not centered around appearance, I unearthed talents and interests that had been overshadowed by external concerns.

Well i roughly wrote this blog then, realising my lost touch with my writing ability. I also hosted an evening full of fun games that everyone enjoyed .

• Reevaluating Priorities: This experience also encouraged me to reevaluate my priorities. I realized how much emphasis I had placed on external validation and how it impacted my sense of self-worth. It prompted me to delve deeper into what truly matters – the relationships, experiences, and personal growth that define who I am beyond appearances.


What started as a seemingly happy treatment turned into a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and growth. The marks on my face, though initially distressing, served as a powerful reminder that life’s challenges often carry invaluable lessons. By humbling my ego, uncovering hidden skills, and prompting me to reassess my priorities, this experience ultimately enriched my vacation in unexpected ways.

I also want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to my hubby and my friends. Their sensitivity and support during this time were truly invaluable. Their ability to not ask questions related to my scarred face made me feel understood and cherished. Their presence allowed me to enjoy moments without unnecessary self-consciousness, and for that, I am truly thankful.

Furthermore, I’d like to extend a sincere support to the doctor who provided the facial treatment. It’s evident that the adverse reaction was unexpected for both of us. I appreciate her proactive approach in reaching out to apologize and ensure that I was okay. It’s a testament to her professionalism and genuine care for her patients’ well-being. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and I hope my experience serves as a reminder that we are all constantly learning and growing.

As I return home, I carry with me a newfound sense of self and a deeper understanding of the importance of embracing imperfections as an integral part of the journey toward self-acceptance.


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

4 Responses

  1. Hey Meenal,
    Your blogs are always truly amazing, always opening up new avenues for thoughts n introspection…. the ability to see the positive in everything is the mantra for life….thx

  2. Such a massive lesson in the most unexpected ways!
    But the best part is that you were able to pick up the lesson that life wanted to give you!
    Kudos to your spirit!

  3. You go girlie !! You touched my soul….The journey from body consciousness to soul consciousness is not everyone’s cup of tea. It takes courage and valour to focus on the invisible soul while the world judges us on the basis of our visible external appearances. Focusing of beautifying our physical appearance just adds to our egos, so let’s rather focus on beautifying our souls, at least we will make this world a better place to live. Just you just did 😀

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