The Positive Diary

Draping the InnerSelf


Draping the Inner Self: A Paryushan Reflection

As a drape artist, my new found passion converted to part time profession , I’ve been fascinated by the way fabric, when artfully draped, can transform an outfit—and, by extension, a person.

As Paryushan begins, I find myself reflecting on how this concept extends beyond just clothing. Just as we drape fabric to create something beautiful, we can also drape our inner selves with virtues like forgiveness and humility. Paryushan, the most sacred festival in Jainism, is all about this inner transformation.

The Art of Draping: Beyond Fabric

When I work with my clients, I see draping as more than just arranging fabric. It’s about enhancing what’s already there, highlighting strengths, and creating a sense of elegance and poise. Similarly, Paryushan invites us to enhance our inner selves, to cover our flaws not with fabric but with actions that reflect our highest virtues.During Paryushan, the focus is on self-purification. It’s a time to forgive others, and seek forgiveness.

In many ways, this mirrors the process of draping—taking something simple and transforming it into something graceful and beautiful. Just as each pleat and fold contributes to the final look, each act of kindness, each moment of forgiveness, contributes to our inner beauty.

Forgiveness: The Ultimate Drape

One of the central themes of Paryushan is forgiveness. It’s a powerful, transformative act that allows us to let go of anger, resentment, and grudges—much like shedding layers of unnecessary fabric to reveal a more refined, elegant silhouette.

Forgiveness is not just about others; it’s about finding peace within ourselves. It’s about draping our hearts in understanding and compassion.

In the same way that a beautifully draped lehenga or saree can make a person feel confident and poised, letting go of negativity can make us feel lighter and more at peace. This Paryushan, let’s all strive to drape ourselves in the finest of all fabrics: forgiveness.

Conclusion: Draping the Inner Self

This Paryushan, let’s not just focus on draping our outfits but also on draping our souls. After all, the most beautiful drape is the one that reflects inner peace, kindness, and a commitment to living mindfully.


Written By

Meenal Ranka

Meenal Ranka

"I am a pure soul" Passionate about YOGA and MEDITATION. I am a 'law of attraction' practitioner. I aspire to inspire through a conscious happy living. I am learning everyday and want to share my learnings in the simplest way! LINK -

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