The Positive Diary



Before I say anything on the title, I would like to narrate a three incidents that happened in our house –


A few months back, we as a family were away for 4 hours in the afternoon. When we came back in the evening, everything looked just the way we had left the house. But when I climbed into my room, I saw glass all over – big and small pieces. It was on the bed and floor too. When I looked around, I realized that the glass diamond from my wife Arpita’s trophy had fallen off. It would have left the glue on the acrylic, banged on the floor and bounced onto the bed. The place it would have felt down, was where I would have kept my head while sleeping


We were preparing for a family dinner. Since the menu was elaborate, the females of the house started preparations in the afternoon. All the three gases had something cooking on them. The kids had a holiday and were merrily playing, running across the house. At about 12.30’ish, the kids suddenly decided to go to their room upstairs to play; Arpita went behind the kids to help them; Divya went to pick up a parcel at the gate; mom went to their room balcony to fetch something; and all the maids got occupied in doing some work in the lawn. The next minute, there was a LOUD NOISE – BANG! Everyone came running to the kitchen. The sight was frightening. The cooker had exploded. The top went flying and broke open the ceiling and got stuck there. The vegetables inside the cooker were all over the kitchen. During that time, almost everyone should have actually been in the kitchen


As a family we love our natural light and air. My brother Ankur has beautifully designed the house accordingly. There is plenty of light and air. It was yet another afternoon. Our bungalow is two storeyed with a central portion left open and covered with clear toughened glass. We lovingly call it as ‘chowk’ – a place of maximum activity in the house. As everyone was in their own space, we heard a thunderous THUD. Shocked, and alarmed everyone came out of their rooms. What we saw left us flabbergasted. That very glass in chowk crashing down almost two floors

Like these there are innumerable incidents, where things could have turned for the worst, yet we got saved some way or the other. In all the above three incidents, anything could have happened. Yet no one got even a single scratch.

So coming back to the title question – Does GOD EXIST? Frankly, I don’t know.

But what I can certainly say that there is a Force that is protecting us. Of all the good deeds we have done without any expectations; positive thoughts we have released for ourselves and others without any ulterior motive; and the right intentions we have while our interactions with others and ourselves, life comes back full circle. That Force ensures no harm or least harm comes to us.

I love to say this – While we can’t control anything in our lives, we can control our own words, thoughts and actions! Let’s start being unconditional. We must help, because we feel like helping and not because of a gain in future. Appreciation should be genuine and not fake and for the sake of it. Forgiveness should be heartfelt without having an iota of hurt left behind. Being genuine should be felt from heart without the intention of building reputation or image for yourself.

My belief in the sentence – Someone is PROTECTING US has grown multifold with such incidents. Earlier I would always be anxious about my loved ones and sometimes have negative thoughts about their well-being. I would feel low in those moments. But now I always feel secured and sheltered. I just feel that whatever is the best will happen. This thought has left me liberated, more positive and absolutely light.

I cannot describe how good it feels to be like that! I invite each one of you reading this blog to join me in this space here … Here I extend my hand to you …..

#God #Almighty #Force #Nature


Written By



I am in LOVE ... Love with PEOPLE Love with NATURE Love with TRAVELLING Love with WRITING Love with INNER SELF Love with PEACE Love with CALMNESS Love with LIFE!

6 Responses

  1. The hidden force which protect you is blessings and wishes of your elders,parents,friends and our well wishers. I also have no answer of God’s existence. But it’s sure that our success,safety,strength always run by blessings and positive aura.
    Your positive Aura always protect you.

  2. Actually existence of god’s, I don’t know whether it’s there or not but I believe something we do good in our life, for others as human being or else ourself keep good person is like a God existence,that will keep our life safe, healthy and happy.
    I believe good work, honesty, kindness and good always for others is a called god.
    Amit I like your the positive diary writing

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